• 台湾鹿林天台2024B观测期已开放请,如果您有兴趣了解该望远镜的详尽信息,可移步鹿林天台网站(www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw)或咨询助手(lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw ...
    Email: ycpanastro.ncu.edu.tw 值得一提的是,鹿林天台还将1米望远镜的请分为了教育和研究两个类别,这在专业天台站的请中比较少见。
    If you targets can be observed near full moon, we may still allocate these dates depending on the schedule ...
    . 23 May -- Engineering/Full Moon 22 Jun -- Engineering/Full Moon 21 Jul -- Engineering/Full ...
    Moon 20 Aug -- Engineering/Full Moon (B) LATTE is now open for general use by NCU users.
  • 台湾鹿林天台2020B观测期已开放请。
    Email:cngeow@astro.ncu.edu.tw 值得一提的是,鹿林天台还将1米望远镜的请分为了教育和研究两个类别,这在专业天台站的请中比较少见。
    astro.ncu.edu.tw IMPORTANT MESSAGE: (A) Following nights are not available 07-08 May -- Engineering/Full ...
    Moon 05-06 June -- Engineering/Full Moon 04-05 July -- Engineering/Full Moon 03-04 August -- Engineering ...
    /Full Moon Following nights are pre-occupied by education programs 01-02 May 09-10 May 24 July ...
  • 近期,国际虚拟天台联盟 (IVOA) 发起一项调查,旨在了解天研究项目、数据分发以及数据产品的相关信息。
    截止日期:2022年3月20日17:00 本次调研的结果将在今年的IVOA春季互操作会议上公布,所有调研结果均以匿名形式呈现,我们将在IVOA公布结果后同步与家进行分享。
    If you would like to see the full content before completing it, you can have a look at the full survey ...
    in a pdf format here.
  • Supplementary for "Full velocities and propagation directions of coronal mass ejections inferred from ...
    simultaneous full-disk imaging and Sun-as-a-star spectroscopic observations".
    The corresponding double Gaussian fitting results for seven events are presented in the PDF file (supplementary.pdf ...
    Cuts and time-distance plots of seven CME-related ejecta are also presented in the PDF file (supplementary.pdf ...
  • Supplementary for "Full velocities and propagation directions of coronal mass ejections inferred from ...
    simultaneous full-disk imaging and Sun-as-a-star spectroscopic observations".
    The corresponding double Gaussian fitting results for seven events are presented in the PDF file (supplementary.pdf ...
    Cuts and time-distance plots of seven CME-related ejecta are also presented in the PDF file (supplementary.pdf ...
  • 鹿林天台2018C观测期(2018年9月1日至12月31日)已经开放请,请信息详见下附录。 请到时段的研究学者不必须前来鹿林天台观测,观测助手将代为观测并将资料传送给使用者。
    MESSAGE:    (A) Following nights are not available            25-26 September  -- Engineering/Full ...
    Moon       24-25 October    -- Engineering/Full Moon       23-24 November    -- Engineering/ ...
    Full Moon       22-23 December    -- Engineering/Full Moon   (B) Observers can choose either ...
  • 鹿林天台2019C观测期(2019年9月1日至12月31日)已经开放请,请信息详见下附录。 请到时段的研究学者不必须前来鹿林天台观测,观测助手将代为观测并将资料传送给使用者。
    astro.ncu.edu.tw IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  (A) Following nights are not available 14-15 September -- Engineering/Full ...
    Moon 13-14 October -- Engineering/Full Moon 12-13 November -- Engineering/Full Moon 12-13 December ...
    -- Engineering/Full Moon (B) Starting 2019A Semester, about 8-12 (continuous) nights per months of ...
  • 1981-1994 Yunnan Observatory full-disk chromospheric plate.
  • 鹿林天台2019C观测期(2020年1月1日至4月30日)已经开放请,请信息详见下附录。 鹿林一米望远镜(LOT)所使用的相机配备Sophia 2048B CCD。
    如希望进一步了解鹿林一米望远镜(LOT)或可用设备的详尽信息,可查看鹿林天台网站 (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) 或咨询助手(lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ...
    astro.ncu.edu.tw IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  (A) Following nights are not available 10-11 January -- Engineering/Full ...
    Moon 24-26 Janyary -- Lunar/Chinese New Year Break 09-10 February -- Engineering/Full Moon 09-10 ...
    March -- Engineering/Full Moon 08-09 April -- Engineering/Full Moon (B) 11 Jan is also the election ...
  • IMPORTANT MESSAGE:   (A) Following nights are not available           28-29 May      -- Engineering/Full ...
    Moon        27-28 Jun      -- Engineering/Full Moon        25-26 August   -- Engineering/Full Moon ...
  • New Year Lectures from Astronomical Software Masters 走进天软件的“无冕之王” Lectures Overview ...
    bilibil直播网址:https://live.bilibili.com/22723375 (房间号:22723375) 活动组织(Organization ) 主办:国家天台 ...
    、中国天文学会信息化工作委员会 承办:国家天文科学数据中心、国家天台团委 协办:国家能物理科学数据中心、国家空间科学数据中心、广州学天体物理中心 Lecture one Title: ...
    Received a degree of Master of Science Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta ...
    Dark Mode) support, an all new FITS file analysis tool (Prism), movie creation using GIF animation, full ...
  • Notes for 2021B Given the COVID-19 pandemic, approved proposals are not guaranteed full execution.
    The completed proposal PDF file should be uploaded totap.china-vo.orgbefore the deadline.
    Please read the full instructions on the TAP website for submission instructions.
  • 2014年元旦前后,中国科学院云南天台的丽江2.4米光学望远镜观测发现了遥远宇宙迄今为止光度(即发光本领)最的类星体。
    附图:吴学兵和易卫敏等发现的类星体SDSS J0100+2802是已知遥远类星体光度和黑洞质量都最的类星体(图片制作人:李兆聿(中国科学院上海天台)。
    Nature发表论链接:www.nature.com/nature/journal/v518/n7540/full/nature14241.html Nature对该论的新闻发布网页:www.nature.com ...
    /journal/v518/n7540/full/518490b.html ...
  • Full datasets and source code could be obtained by email to the corrsponding author Peng Jia (robinmartin20 ...
  • Full datasets and source code could be obtained by email to the corrsponding author Peng Jia (robinmartin20 ...
  • Full datasets and source code could be obtained by email to the corrsponding author Peng Jia (robinmartin20 ...
  • Full datasets and source code could be obtained by email to the corrsponding author Peng Jia (robinmartin20 ...
  • 近期,国家天台李广伟副研究员、北京师范学与国家天台的联合培养博士生哈斯铁尔·哈尔肯等人利用LAMOST光谱数据,同时结合Gaia、2MASS和WISE测光数据对M型年轻恒星进行了系统研究 ...
    链接:点击这里。 已有的研究结果显示,M型矮星几乎占所有恒星总数的3/4,其中约1/7的M型矮星拥有宜居带行星,因此M型矮星应该拥有绝多数宜居行星。
    图2 M型年轻恒星的完整盘(full disk)和非完整盘(non-full disk)的演化图。 图横的粗线是100万年的等年龄线,竖的粗曲线是0.35倍太阳质量的等质量线。
    总之,研究团队认为质量于0.35倍太阳质量的早型M型恒星是寻找系外行星的绝佳目标。 国家天文科学数据中心为天观测和研究计划提供数据与技术服务。
  • Full content and detailed description can be found in Ai et al. (2016), Dong et al. (2018) and Yao et ...
  • 先说一下发现超新星的原理: 超新星是银河系之外的星系某个质量恒星死亡时发生的规模爆发,在我们看来就是某个星系突然多了一个星点。
    为方便交流,家可以加入XOSS星明天台巡天QQ群,群号码:73444198,请时请注明:“真实姓名+省市”,您还可以在群内结识更多资深天同好,了解参与星明天台主持的其他巡天项目 ...
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