2022-02-28 17:07
2022-02-28 17:21

近期,国际虚拟天文台联盟 (IVOA) 发起一项调查,旨在了解天文研究项目、数据分发以及数据产品的相关信息。IVOA希望通过此项调查更加深入地了解您的项目是否有计划或有兴趣通过虚拟天文台通用的技术解决方案来共享数据,并通过调查为您更好地提供操作方面的指导。希望本次调研能为有需要的群体提供更好的服务,同时协助您更便捷地向同行共享自己的数据。








Dear colleagues, 

The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) is conducting a survey to learn about projects, data distribution plans, and data products. We would like to learn if your project has plans/interest in using a common data sharing framework through the VO, and if so offer guidance through that process. The ultimate goal of this study is to understand how we can better serve the community and help in publishing data into the Virtual Observatory.   

The survey should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all information that you provide will be treated confidentially by the IVOA. The results of the survey will be published in aggregate form, to preserve anonymity of respondents. If you would like to see the full content before completing it, you can have a look at the full survey in a pdf format here

We are surveying members of past, ongoing, and future projects.  *** We ask for *your* participation!!
Click here to start the Survey 

*** You have until *March 25* to complete the survey!!  We are happy for more than one person on a project to respond, so don’t hesitate!!  We will present what we learn and discuss next steps at our IVOA Spring Interop meeting and will also provide a summary to survey participants.

Thank you for your time!  

Ada Nebot (for The Committee on Science Priorities of the IVOA)

Yang Hanxi
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