• BIPM Circular T is a monthly publication of the Time Department, source of traceability to Coordinated ...
    Circular T provides the values of the differences [UTC – UTC(k)] every five days, for about 80 institutes ...
  • BIPM Circular T is a monthly publication of the Time Department, source of traceability to Coordinated ...
    Circular T provides the values of the differences [UTC – UTC(k)] every five days, for about 80 institutes ...
  • The M-type T Tauri Star catalog contains a total of 1094 sources.
  • The M-type T Tauri Star catalog contains a total of 1094 sources.
  • The dataset contains the M-type T Tauri Stars (TTS) catalog, seven supplements to the paper, and a ReadMe ...
    The H-R diagram of the Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs); 6.
  • In the first few trimesters, we will offer time in the share-risk mode, for the users and LATTE to get ...
    In this call for proposal, we offer a total of up to 20 nights to NCU users under dark and gray conditions ...
    If you don't want to share nights, please mark "NO" in Section 13 (the default is " ...
  • rdquo;、“噪点”等,如果高级用户回复为“非常可疑,等待补拍”那要祝贺您中彩啦,您应该积极等待高级用户的进一步回复,高级用户都是非常尽职尽责的,请相每一个提交他们都会仔细核对并作出回复 ...
    为方便交流,大家可以加入XOSS星明天文台巡天QQ群,群号码:73444198,申请时请注明:“真实姓名+省市”,您还可以在群内结识更多资深天文同好,了解参与星明天文台主持的其他巡天项目 ...
  • your project has plans/interest in using a common data sharing framework through the VO, and if so offer ...
    We are happy for more than one person on a project to respond, so don’t hesitate!!
  • --> 下载:原版 | 透明底| 方形版 | 方形透明底白字版 官方平台 公众号:China-VO 抖音官方账号:China-VO 官方网站:nadc.china-vo.org Bilibili ...
    《代码窥天人》系列短片 《与时代并肩的数字创新者》(樊东卫访谈) 央视新闻公众号:《看完30万张星图,95后患病小伙有惊人发现!》 ...
    新华社公众号:《看完30万张星图,95后患病小伙有惊人发现!》 共青团中央公众号:《有一颗星星,居然是用这个大学生的名字命名的!》 ...
    共青团中央公众号:《两个“碳基生物”发现7颗超新星? ...
  • ATLAS empirical stellar library is separated into two groups, ATLAS-A and -T.
    ATLAS-T, which are averaged over fluxes of the directly observed spectra with similar parameters, contains ...
    Here we present the ATLAS-A and ATLAS-T libraries and catalogs for users.
  • ATLAS empirical stellar library is separated into two groups, ATLAS-A and -T.
    ATLAS-T, which are averaged over fluxes of the directly observed spectra with similar parameters, contains ...
    Here we present the ATLAS-A and ATLAS-T libraries and catalogs for users.
  • 新闻来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pDNsjUI-Der6K1AqQ2WzMw ...
  • 数据集中共包含了1个M型金牛T型星(T Tauri Star, TTS)星表,7个文章的补充材料,以及一个ReadMe文件。
    经典金牛T型星(CTTS)的赫罗图; 6. 1077颗TTS在MIST模型下的赫罗图; 7. MIST模型下TTS的完整盘分数。
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
  • 由于天气条件的限制,这个候选体没有能及时得到专业天文台的光谱认证。时隔近一个月,他又一次提交可疑目标,并得到了高级管理员的认可。 正式确认超新星的发现,需要专业天文台对侯选体进行光谱观测。
    10月5日,他们在《天文学家电报(The Astronomer's Telegram)》上发表通Atel #8120,确认这颗由廖家铭发现的超新星侯选体是一颗IIP型超新星。
    欢迎访问中国虚拟天文台网站,并关注公众号:虚拟天文台,了解更多情况。   ...
    相关媒体报道: 腾讯科技:10岁小学生借助虚拟天文台发现超新星 http://tech.qq.com/a/20151008/055660.htm 网易新闻:合肥小学生廖家铭再次捕捉到两个疑似超新星 ...
    2015091400/B3ECHRFB9001HRFC.html 国家天文台:10岁小学生发现超新星,虚拟天文台开启科研新模式 http://www.nao.cas.cn/kxcb/kpdt/201510/t20151010 ...
  • 2018年10月25日,中国天文数据中心正式通过了CoreTrustSeal国际认证,成为亚洲首个获得该认证的数据中心。
    CoreTrustSeal数据中心认证体系是WDS新推出的一套认证系统,由WDS及Data Seal of Approval(DSA)组织联合开发,从组织基础架构、数据管理、技术能力等三个大的维度,对数据中心的工作使命 ...
  • 孙九林院士、汪景琇院士,中国信息学会副会长吴钰,科技部国家科技基础条件平台中心副主任王瑞丹、运行监督处副处长石蕾,中科院办公厅网处处长陈明奇,原中科院计算机网络信息中心主任闫保平,国家天文台副台长刘继峰等领导 ...
    为了更好地促进和发展天文学科数据的储存、管理、交流和传输,中国科学院北京天文台受世界数据中心中国中心委托,于1989年4月17召开世界数据中心中国中心天文学科数据中心第一次工作会议暨天文学科数据中心成立大会 ...
    如今,中心已助力郭守敬望远镜LAMOST建成全球最大的天体光谱库,发布光谱1000多万条,发表SCI论文400多篇;中心于2018年正式通过CoreTrustSeal国际认证,成为亚洲首个获得该认证的数据中心 ...
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