• Properties of S0 galaxies derived from 2D decomposition to their high-quality ground-based images using ...
    Constraints on the Origin of S0 Galaxies from Their Photometric Structure Authors: Gao H., Ho L.C ...
    -Y. Table: Bulge Parameters and Bar/Lens Identifications of the CGS S0 ...
  • Quantifying Spiral Structure Authors: Yu S.-Y., Ho L.C., Barth A.J., Li Z.-Y.
  • Quantifying Spiral Structure 作者:Yu S.-Y., Ho L.C., Barth A.J., Li Z.-Y.
  • Li, S., Cui, C., Qiao, C., Fan, D., Li, C., Xu, Y., . . . Yang, S. (2019).
    Cui, S.
    Cui, S.
    S. Li, D. Fan, X. Gao, C.
  • Properties of host galaxies of type 1 AGNs derived from 2D decomposition to their HST images using galfit ...
    Structures of the Host Galaxies of Nearby Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei Authors: Kim M., Ho L.C., Peng C.Y.
  • 具体地说,研究人员从LAMOST DR3的AFGK型恒星星表中,选出了7723颗场里的贫金属红巨星,测量它们CN3839和CN4142的谱指数后,得到了79颗CN强的恒星,并在其中把CH强的恒星剔除后, ...
    研究人员利用LAMOST光谱测得CN和CH谱指数后,从谱指数参数空间中分离出了CN强CH中等(氮增丰,黑色加号) 和CN强CH强(碳增丰,红色加号)的贫金属场红巨星,而背景是普通的贫金属场红巨星。
  • 使用galfit对近邻宇宙S0类型星系高质量地面望远镜图像进行二维分解得到的星系性质。详情参见文章: The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. VII.
    Constraints on the Origin of S0 Galaxies from Their Photometric Structure 。
    -Y。表名: Bulge Parameters and Bar/Lens Identifications of the CGS S0 ...
  • 因为保密等原因,不能提供更多获得数据的仪器等方面的描述,数据更新时间为不定时更新,此数据为DUT1=UT1-UTC 值的公告,以+/-0.1s 精度的时间信号传输。
  • 该团队利用上海65米射电望远镜(天马望远镜)首次在星际空间探测到异氰酸(HNCO)、重水(HDO)和甲醇同位素(13CH3OH)三种新的分子脉泽,并揭示它们正在示踪(大质量恒星形成过程中的)由引力不稳定性导致的星周盘碎裂产生的旋臂吸积流及间歇吸积现象 ...
    陈曦教授介绍说:“三种新脉泽(HDO、HNCO和13CH3OH)是由上海天马望远镜在2019年3月份对一颗正处于6.7 GHz甲醇脉泽闪耀阶段的大质量年轻恒星天体(G358.93-0.03) ...
    图2:天马望远镜监测获得的HDO,HNCO 和13CH3OH 三种脉泽成分的峰值流量随时间的变化。 这些脉泽成分辐射都展现了明显且快速的衰减现象,支持了大质量恒星形成的间歇吸积现象。
  • numbers of stars in the SP-sample, columns 4–5 are the spectroscopy types classified by the LAMOST 1D ...
    pipeline and the LAMOST spectral S/N of g-band, columns 6–10 are the correction factors (k) of each parameter ...
  • Observers Y.Ding,W.Gao,X.Gao,Measurer W.Gao 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and CCD.
    Using a CCD + Sharpstar AL-130 Refracting telescope D=130-mm @f/6.67.
    Observers J.Lou,D.Hu,Q.Qiao,W.Gao,X.Liao,S.Liu,S.Li,Y.Shen,A.Li,L.Liao,H.Xue,K.Yua</div> <div> n,X.Zhang ...
    ,C.Ji,Y.Yu,Q.Hui,L.Li,X.Wang,B.Tian,Q.Yin,G.Sun,X.Gao, Measurers G.Sun 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain ...
    Observers W.Gao,Y.Shen,Z.Zhang,D.Hu,H.Xue,M.Zhang,Q.Yin,Y.Yu,J.Xu,L.Liao,Y.Lou,L.Li,W.Song,S.Gu,C.Ji, ...
  • Ruan and Xing Gao, report the discovery of a possible supernova (mag approximately 17.4) on one 40-s ...
    Using an unfiltered CCD ( + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356-mm @f/6.9).
    .=06h 58m 54s.98 Decl.=+45 19 56.5 (equinox 2000.0).
    Observers S.Yin,W.Song,M.Zhang,A.Li,Y.Shen,Y.Li,C.Ji,Y.Nie,Y.Lv,X.Cai,J.Ruan,X.Gao,Measurer C.Ji 0.36 ...
    ://wis-tns.weizmann.ac.il/object/2016bsf</div> <div> 下图是发现时的图片:</div> <div> <img alt="" src="/psp/s-psp ...
  • stars in the duplicate SP-sample, columns 4-5 are the spectroscopy types classified by the LAMOST 1D ...
    pipeline and the LAMOST spectral S/N of g-band, columns 6-10 are the correction factors (k) of each parameter ...
  • stars in the duplicate SP-sample, columns 4-5 are the spectroscopy types classified by the LAMOST 1D ...
    pipeline and the LAMOST spectral S/N of g-band, columns 6-10 are the correction factors (k) of each parameter ...
  • Using an unfiltered CCD ( + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356-mm @f/6.9).
    </div> <div>  </div> <div> NET UCAC-A2.0</div> <div> PSP16D C2016 02 12.92281 15 36 32.47 +16 ...
    V C42</div> <div>  </div> <div> All images can be seen from: http://www.xjltp.com/XOSS/PSP16D/ ...
    PSP16D.htm</div> <div>  </div> <div> C42,Xingming Observatory,Mt.
    Observers X.Liao,W.Gao,Y.Shen,A.Li,D.Hu,J.Zhou,M.Zhang,P.Sun,X.Gao,Measurer P.Sun 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain ...
  • 2D spectral observation data of solar towers from 1999 to 2015.
  • eclipsing binaries from previous studies in Table 2 (compiled from 2010A&ARv..18...67T,2015ASPC..496..164S, ...
    2018MNRAS.479.5491E,2021AJ....161..172D, 2021MNRAS.504.4302W, Pan_2020).
  • eclipsing binaries from previous studies in Table 2 (compiled from 2010A&ARv..18...67T,2015ASPC..496..164S, ...
    2018MNRAS.479.5491E,2021AJ....161..172D, 2021MNRAS.504.4302W, Pan_2020).
  • eclipsing binaries from previous studies in Table 2 (compiled from 2010A&ARv..18...67T,2015ASPC..496..164S, ...
    2018MNRAS.479.5491E,2021AJ....161..172D, 2021MNRAS.504.4302W, Pan_2020).
  • eclipsing binaries from previous studies in Table 2 (compiled from 2010A&ARv..18...67T,2015ASPC..496..164S, ...
    2018MNRAS.479.5491E,2021AJ....161..172D, 2021MNRAS.504.4302W, Pan_2020).
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