Qiang Yin, Haochen Xue, Cheng Ji, Jiaming Liao, Mi Zhang, Aobo Wang, Yuxi Lv, Guoyou Sun and Xing Gao, report the discovery of a possible nova (mag approximately 18.1) on several 60s survey images (limiting mag about 19.5) taken by Xing Gao in Xingming Observatory Sky Survey(C42) around Fer 07.56656 UT using a unfiltered CCD ( + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356mm @f/6.9 ). the new object approximately located at R.A.=00h44m43s.49 Decl.=+41 53 40.1 (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 1344.0" east and 2251.6" north of the center of the NGC224 (M31). Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Fer 06.5 (limiting mag 19.0) and on the DSS(POSS2/UKSTU Red) from Nov 27,1986(limiting mag about 19.8).
PSP16B C2016 02 07.56656 00 44 43.49 +41 53 40.1 18.1 V C42
All images can be seen from: http://www.xjltp.com/XOSS/PSP16B/PSP16B.htm
C42 Xingming Observatory, Mt. Nanshan. Observers Q.Yin, H.Xue, C.Ji, J.Liao, M.Zhang, A.Wang, Y.Lv, G.Sun, X.Gao , Measurer G.Sun. 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and CCD.
Spectroscopic classification of M31N 2016-02a (PNV J00444349+4153401) as a classical nova in M31
ATel #8661; M. J. Darnley (LJMU), S. C. Williams (Lancaster)
on 9 Feb 2016; 21:23 UT
Credential Certification: Matt Darnley (M.J.Darnley@ljmu.ac.uk)
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient We obtained a spectrum of nova candidate M31N 2016-02a (PNV J00444349+4153401; see CBAT TOCP) with the SPRAT spectrograph on the 2m Liverpool Telescope (Steele et al. 2004) on 2016 February 09.85 UT.The spectrum only shows Hα and Hβ emission lines (Hγ is tentatively detected, Hδ is not). We measure the FWHM of the Hα line to be 3600 ± 100 km/s, with Hβ having a FWHM of 2800 ± 300 km/s. Both these Balmer lines are asymmetric, showing higher velocities on the red-side of their profiles.This spectrum confirms that M31N 2016-02a is a classical nova eruption in M31.
R. E. Rutledge, Editor-in-ChiefDerek Fox, EditorMansi M. Kasliwal, Co-Editor
Ang Li, Xu Guo, Cheng Ji, Peiyuan Sun and Xing Gao, report the discovery of a possible supernova (mag approximately 17.1) on one 40-s survey image (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao in Xingming Observation Sky Survey (C42) around Feb.06.96678 UT. Using an unfiltered CCD ( + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356-mm @f/6.9). The new object approximately located at R.A.=17h 38m 46s.61 Decl.=+59 22 22.4(equinox 2000.0). Which is about 0.7" east and 0.9" south of the center of the IC 1267.
Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on May.27,2015 (limiting mag 19.0), or on the DSS (POSS-II IR) from Jun.19,1992 (limiting mag about 19.0).
Bin Tian's private observatory follow-up the possible supernova (mag approximately 16.5) on one 300-s image (limiting mag about 18.0) around Feb.08.83472 UT. Using a CCD + Sharpstar AL-130 Refracting telescope D=130-mm @f/6.67.
PSP16C C2016 02 06.96678 17 38 46.61 +59 22 22.4 17.1 V C42
All images can be seen from: http://www.xjltp.com/XOSS/PSP16C/PSP16C.htm
C42,Xingming Observatory,Mt. Nanshan. Observers A.Li,X.Guo,C.Ji,P.Sun,X.Gao,Measurer P.Sun 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and CCD.