• 团队首先对所有竞赛数据开展统计分析,了解数据结构,天体群组特征,确定用于数据处理的输入参数范围,进而基于针对SKA不同先导项目而开发的天体搜索算法对图像进行了先期测试,经过对结果的准确度与计算效率的评估 ...
  • 超星系团 超星系团由多个星系团或星系群组成的大质量天体,是宇宙中已知的最大尺度的结构之一。
  • 图2 Gaia DR3发布网站页面截图(非完整页面,下拉有更多内容) 点击图1中绿色圈内的“在线检索”可进入NADC提供的在线检索服务,如图3。
    在检索页面可以根据位置(赤经、赤纬)划分一个矩形区域或者锥形区域来检索,也可以输入一个或几个位置在设定的角半径范围内搜索,还可以上传一个包含多个源的位置列表的文件来交叉检索,下页面,可以选择所需要的字段以及搜索结果的格式 ...
    图3 在线检索网站页面截图(非完整页面,下拉有更多内容) 点击图1中蓝色圈内的“数据下载”,进入数据下载页面,如图4。点击页面中感兴趣的列表,可进入子目录下载。
  • 中等质量黑洞寄主星系的气体成分 下载 10 2019a-002-S Tang, Ningyu Probing Physical Environment of Atomic Gas ...
    2019a-007-S Xiao, Ting Quantifying HI in Galaxies with Unusually High Molecular-to-Atomic Gas ...
    Ratios 下载 14 2019a-012-S Cheng, Cheng Unveiling the HI gas for galaxies in transition ...
    star formation efficiency 下载 15 2019a-013-S Dai, Y.Sophia A FAST Survey of HI Gas ...
    FAST-ASKAP synergetic HI observations 下载 24 2019a-037-S Tsai, Chaowei Tracking the HI Gas ...
  • Narrow Self-Absorption in Prestellar Cores 8 PT2021_0011 Nissim Kanekar The atomic gas ...
    Milky Way's Circumgalactic Medium 27 PT2021_0042 Kai Zhang Probing the HI Gas ...
    Quasars 47 PT2021_0069 Gan Luo The Gigantic Cold HI Arc: A Massive Large-scale Dark Gas ...
    giant radio galaxies 91 PT2021_0141 Zhiyuan Ren Exploring the Diffuse Ionized Gas ...
    ZD2021_2 韩金林 银道面脉冲星巡天 下载 102 ZD2021_4_2 Wu Jingwen searching for star forming gas ...
  • 因报名人数到达上限,中国虚拟天文台暨天文信息学2018年学术年会在线注册报名于10月18日提前关闭。 引力波、中微子探测窗口已经打开,天文学研究迈入多信使时代。
  • Magnetars 下载 14 2019a-002-S Tang, Ningyu Probing Physical Environment of Atomic Gas ...
    2019a-007-S Xiao, Ting Quantifying HI in Galaxies with Unusually High Molecular-to-Atomic Gas ...
    Ratios 下载 19 2019a-012-S Cheng, Cheng Unveiling the HI gas for galaxies in transition ...
    FAST-ASKAP synergetic HI observations 下载 31 2019a-037-S Tsai, Chaowei Tracking the H I Gas ...
  • systems and two binary millisecond pulsars 7 PT2021_0011 Nissim Kanekar The atomic gas ...
    23 PT2021_0042 Kai Zhang Probing the HI Gas that Fuels Low-Metallicity Starbursts in Blue Compact ...
    sub-pulse structure from repeating fast radio bursts 48 PT2021_0094 Hao Chen Gas-phase ...
    Low-mass Companion Pulsar 67 PT2021_0141 Zhiyuan Ren Exploring the Diffuse Ionized Gas ...
    Jinlin Han 银道面脉冲星巡天 下载 74 ZD2021_4_2 Wu Jingwen searching for star forming gas ...
  • 该研究使用我国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)对蜘蛛脉冲星PSR J2051-0827进行观测,基于FAST高灵敏度的优势详细分析掩食附近的偏振变化细节,成功测量到法第旋转量的变化,为伴星存在磁场提供了直接证据 ...
    研究发现,在出掩食的轨道相位上,PSR J2051-0827的法第旋转量呈现规律性的减少,并最终恢复到正常状态。
  • polarized components 37 PT2020_0088 Zhiyuan Ren Exploring the Diffuse Ionized Gas ...
    the Coverage Range of the Arecibo 40 PT2020_0101 Cheng Cheng Unveiling the HI gas ...
    towards bright compact radio quasars 44 PT2020_0115 Hassen Mohammed Yesuf HI Gas ...
    57 PT2020_0160 Yu Dai A FAST Survey to Study the Effect of Galaxy Interaction on HI Gas ...
  • 0010 George Hobbs Catching a pulse in the act of nulling 7 PT2021_0011 Nissim Kanekar The atomic gas ...
    removing technique for obtaining deep extra-Galactic HI spectra 25 PT2021_0042 Kai Zhang Probing the HI Gas ...
    Linear Polarization in HI Absorption Line toward Quasars 38 PT2021_0070 Cheng Cheng Unveiling the HI gas ...
    Mapping and pulsars searching toward M31 region 下载 64 ZD2021_4_2 Wu Jingwen searching for star forming gas ...
  • 中等质量黑洞寄主星系的气体成分 下载 5 2019a-002-S Tang, Ningyu Probing Physical Environment of Atomic Gas ...
    Hydrogen in Super Spiral Galaxies 下载 7 2019a-037-S Tsai, Chaowei Tracking the H I Gas ...
  • Objects of SNR Kes 79 40 PT2020_0088 Zhiyuan Ren Exploring the Diffuse Ionized Gas ...
    the Coverage Range of the Arecibo 43 PT2020_0101 Cheng Cheng Unveiling the HI gas ...
    radio emission from radio-quiet magnetars 47 PT2020_0115 Hassen Mohammed Yesuf HI Gas ...
    Galactic latitudes 61 PT2020_0144 Zhiyu Zhang Supernova shock into dense ISM: atomic gas ...
    64 PT2020_0160 Yu Dai A FAST Survey to Study the Effect of Galaxy Interaction on HI Gas ...
  • Narrow Self-Absorption in Prestellar Cores 7 PT2021_0011 Nissim Kanekar The atomic gas ...
    AGNs 47 PT2021_0069 Gan Luo The Gigantic Cold HI Arc A Massive Large-scale Dark Gas ...
    48 PT2021_0070 Cheng Cheng Unveiling the HI gas for super spiral galaxies at redshift 0.27 ...
    Low-mass Companion Pulsar 90 PT2021_0137 Yogesh Chandola Detecting circumgalactic HI gas ...
    range of 0.25-0.35 93 PT2021_0140 Ru-Rong Chen HI absorption observations on gas-rich ...
  • 此日食计算器能够查询公元前3000至后3000年范围内的日食信息,生成每次日食的覆盖区、中心区范围数据,展示日食带的地图;并可根据用户在地图上点击的坐标在线计算该地日食各阶段时间、食分等观测信息。
  • Properties of cold dusts in type 1 AGNs derived from decomposition of total IR SEDs.Title: On the Gas ...
  • role of galactic outflows and supermassive black holes, the chemical enrichment history of star and gas ...
    Themes will include: Star formation feedback Chemical evolution of gas and stars on various ...
    scales Stellar population: resolved and unresolved Gas kinematics Stellar Kinematics ...
    Diffuse ionized gas Dust Star formation and quenching Circumgalactic medium ...
  • 日食原理图   此次日环食的环食带从沙特阿伯开始,经过卡塔尔、阿伯联合酋长国、阿曼、阿伯海、印度、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、苏拉威西海,在太平洋西部结束。
  • the Coverage Range of the Arecibo 25 PT2020_0101 Cheng Cheng Unveiling the HI gas ...
    by FAST in Unidentified Fermi Sources 28 PT2020_0115 Hassen Mohammed Yesuf HI Gas ...
  • For the sources with 2σ [O iii]λ4363 detections, we calculate the gas-phase metallicity with the direct-Temethod ...
    identified, however with no [O iii]λ4363 detection, which proves the rich metal content and complex ionized gas ...
    Higher-resolution spectroscopy will be necessary to identify the ionized gas components in detail.
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