• 在等待补拍图像的同时,管理员张宓已将该候选体上报至天文电报中央局暂现天体证认页(CBAT TOCP)“占坑”,该候选体获得编号PNV J00473256+3938102。
    但是在一星期前的邮件中,Steven博士曾说最近帕尔马岛火山爆发,观测可能会受到影响。 帕尔马岛火山爆发的热搜 后来大家又查了天气预报,发现接下来一段时间帕尔马岛阴雨连绵。
  • The fit results plots and corner plots of all 153 HB stars.
  • 该研究使用我国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)对蜘蛛脉冲星PSR J2051-0827进行观测,基于FAST高灵敏度的优势详细分析掩食附近的偏振变化细节,成功测量到法第旋转量的变化,为伴星存在磁场提供了直接证据 ...
    研究发现,在出掩食的轨道相位上,PSR J2051-0827的法第旋转量呈现规律性的减少,并最终恢复到正常状态。
  • 在等待补拍图像的同时,管理员张宓已将该候选体上报至天文电报中央局暂现天体证认页(CBAT TOCP)“占坑”,该候选体获得编号PNV J00473256+3938102。
    但是在一星期前的邮件中,Steven博士曾说最近帕尔马岛火山爆发,观测可能会受到影响。 后来大家又查了天气预报,发现接下来一段时间帕尔马岛阴雨连绵。
  • The 2MASS All-Sky Data Release contains highly uniform near infrared Catalog and Image data covering ...
    The All-Sky Release data products include a Point Source Catalog (PSC) containing positions and photometry ...
  • All proposals should be uploaded totap.china-vo.org(user guide).
    - The remaining 10% of the total time are open to all Chinese-based institutes.
    All student investigators should have their advisor email TAP to state their approval and support for ...
    Please include an update on all programs where the investigators have received TAP time.
  • The AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS) has reached a new milestone with its Data Release 10 (DR10 ...
    APASS is designed to provide calibrated photometry everywhere in the sky and for nearly all CCD images ...
    astrometry, APASS gives the ability to photometrically calibrate your data without having to resort to all-sky ...
  • Plots of all 153 HB stars and a python program file.
  • Plots of all 153 HB stars and a python program file.
  • Plots of all 153 HB stars and a python program file.
  • Plots of all 153 HB stars and a python program file.
  • All services will back to normal later. Thank you for your support and understanding. NADC ...
  • The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 ...
    Supplement that is a guide to the format, content, characteristics and cautionary notes for the WISE All-Sky ...
    The WISE All-Sky Data Release products supersede those from the April 2011 Preliminary Data Release.
    All-Sky Release ancillary products include a Reject Table containing 284 million detections that were ...
  • 日食原理图   此次日环食的环食带从沙特阿伯开始,经过卡塔尔、阿伯联合酋长国、阿曼、阿伯海、印度、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、苏拉威西海,在太平洋西部结束。
  • It includes all spectra obtained during the pilot survey and the first five years' regular survey ...
  • Jun Tao, Deputy Director-General of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of CAS (SHAO), welcomed all the ...
  • 如果观测者没有所属组织在请在该栏下框里选“无”,如果有所属组织且在下框中没有出现,请把观测者所属组织的名字、负责人的名称、联系方式(手机和邮箱)以及组织的情况介绍发到citizenscience ...
  • NADC performs all duties as a National Science Data Center and a Scientific Data Center of CAS, and is ...
  • | ...
  • 管理员张宓立即将其上报至天文电报中央局(CBAT)和暂现源名称服务网(TNS),该候选体随即获得编号AT 2023yoa与PNV J00430932+4115416,内部编号PSP23N。
    在收到邮件后,Shafter教授迅速在29日下午使用圣迭戈州立大学古纳山天文台1米望远镜进行了观测,并将获得的图像与M31N 2013-10c比较,结果显示这两个目标的位置非常一致,因此AT 2023yoa ...
    30日凌晨,Shafter教授等人发布了第16354号天文学家电报(ATel#16354),AT 2023yoa的所有发现者均被列为共同作者。
    世界时2023年11月29.151日,我们使用圣迭戈州立大学山天文台(MLO)的40英寸反射式望远镜,对AT 2023yoa(该天体被我们编号为M31N 2023-11f)进行了后随观测,R = ...
    为了证实M31N 2023-11f与M31N 2013-10c之间的关系,我们将M31N 2023-11f的图像(由古纳山天文台于世界时2023年11月29.151日拍摄)与M31N 2013-10c ...
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