Simultaneous 2.25GHz and 8.60GHz observation data
Zhi-peng Huang
The zip file contains the fits files with ‘.FTp’ extension for all 194 epochs of simultaneous 2.25/8.60 GHz observations of XTE J1810-197, which are folded for both time and frequency. In addition, we also provide separately the fits files with ‘.Fp’ extension of the four observations (MJD 58502, MJD 59075, MJD 59096 and MJD 59209) used for the plots in the article, which are folded for frequency. These data were placed in folders S (2.25 GHz) and X (8.60 GHz) according to frequency. The observation parameters and data processing details are shown in the next paragraph. A total of 194 simultaneous 2.25/8.60 GHz observations were carried out ranging from MJD 58501 (January 18, 2019 ) to MJD 59427 (August 1, 2021) with the Tian Ma Radio Telescope (TMRT) by taking advantage of the parallel working capabilities of the 2.25/8.60 GHz dual-frequency receiver and the digital backend system (DIBAS). The dual-frequency receiver is a cryogenically cooled, dual-polarization receiver with the frequency coverage of 2.20–2.30 and 8.20–9.00 GHz, respectively. The total bandwidth was divided into channels with a width of 1 MHz (at 2.25 GHz) and 2 MHz (at 8.60 GHz) with the DIBAS to remove the dispersion effects and radio-frequency interferences (RFIs). The incoherent de-dispersion and online-folding observation mode were used in our observations. Each rotation period was divided into 1024 pulse phase bins and folded with 30 s sub-integration length. The observation data were written out as the 8-bit PSRFITS format. The RFIs were removed by hand interactively with ‘pazi’ and the data were compressed with the ‘pam’ command, which are both from PSRCHIVE.
7.15 MB
Paper Information
Paper Title:
Simultaneous 2.25/8.60 GHz observations of the magnetar XTE J1810−197
The Astrophysical Journal
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Citation Guidelines
Zhi-peng Huang et al. 2023. Simultaneous 2.25GHz and 8.60GHz observation data. Version 2.0.
doi = {10.12149/101295},
url = {},
author = {Zhi-peng Huang},
title = {Simultaneous 2.25GHz and 8.60GHz observation data},
version = {2.0},
publisher = {Nataional Astronomical Data Center of China},
year= {2023}
Version 2.0 (current)
This DOI represents all versions, and will always resolve to the latest one.