• 该系统可为会议设置订阅提醒功能,点击订阅后,该会议相关信息可添加到本地日历。系统还支持中英文自由切换,更方便学术交流与合作的开展。
    图2:该系统支持订阅提醒服务 国家天文台百人研究员戴昱为本系统的推广志愿者。目前会议系统已上线,运行初期,希望大家多多点击,提交反馈。
  • 这里是处理后的多频道数据文件。数据发表在 Shao et al. 2017, ApJ, 845, 138; Wang et al. 2019, ApJ, 887, 40 ...
  • Proposal Submission Proposals should be written in English and submitted via the NRAO Proposal Submission ...
  • 中国虚拟天文台在“公众频道”已上线推出了“恒星检索展示平台”。该平台基于DSS数据可视化展示,可在线进行恒星数据检索。
  • Proposal Submission Proposals should be written in English and submitted via the NRAO Proposal Submission ...
  • 10月5日,他们在《天文学家电报(The Astronomer's Telegram)》上发表通信Atel #8120,确认这颗由廖家铭发现的超新星侯选体是一颗IIP型超新星。
    图三 廖家铭发现超新星页面截图 用户打开中国虚拟天文台的公众频道,进入超新星搜寻项目页面后,点击“开始搜寻”。如果当时有还未被用户查看对比过的新图,就可以看到屏幕上出现了两张黑白图片。
  • The Atlas Images are not contained here, but are available via on-line the services of the Infrared Science ...
  • We cross-matched 1.3 million white dwarf (WD) candidates from Gaia EDR3 with spectral data from LAMOST DR7 within 3″. Applying machine learning described in our previous work, we spectroscopically identified 6190 WD objects after visual inspection. 32 detailed classes were adopted for them ...
  • We cross-matched 1.3 million white dwarf (WD) candidates from Gaia EDR3 with spectral data from LAMOST DR7 within 3″. Applying machine learning described in our previous work, we spectroscopically identified 6190 WD objects after visual inspection. 32 detailed classes were adopted for them ...
  • We cross-matched 1.3 million white dwarf (WD) candidates from Gaia EDR3 with spectral data from LAMOST DR7 within 3″. Applying machine learning described in our previous work, we spectroscopically identified 6190 WD objects after visual inspection. 32 detailed classes were adopted for them ...
  • We cross-matched 1.3 million white dwarf (WD) candidates from Gaia EDR3 with spectral data from LAMOST DR7 within 3″. Applying machine learning described in our previous work, we spectroscopically identified 6190 WD objects after visual inspection. 32 detailed classes were adopted for them ...
  • /www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J00412572+4044233.html ATel:15759, The Astronomer's Telegram ...
  • 此次迁移到阿里云上的中国虚拟天文台主节点功能主要包括平台门户、望远镜时间申请审批、公众超新星搜寻计划、公众频道等。此前郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST)的光谱巡天数据已先期实现上云。
  • 用户频繁地访问科学数据及望远镜申请观测两大模块 经过对平台4年总体访问次数的统计分析,在四个子模块中,科学数据累计8.812万次,云资源累计8.507万次,望远镜时间申请累计4.137万次,而公众频道仅累计 ...
    4年内各子模块月访问量统计图 从各子模块月访问量上看,较为集中的线下活动带动了线上公众频道的访问量,但与此同时科学数据模块的访问量也出现了浮动,并在注册用户激增时达到峰值。
  • discovered by FAST 45 PT2021_0086 Ji-an Jiang Searching for the Optical Counterparts of Repeating FRBs via ...
  • aa29368-16/aa29368-16.html ATel#5503:H-alpha Confirmation of Six Novae in M31,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
    read=5503 ATel#16354:M31N 2013-10c (= AT 2023yoa) is a Recurrent Nova in M31,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
    discovery of the 2023 eruption with Half Meter Telescope at Xingming Observatory,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
    16361 ATel#16367:Spectroscopic confirmation of the 2023 outburst of M31N 2008-12a,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
  • 为了更好地协调TAP购买望远镜时间计划,促进国内天文观测领域的交流与合作,经中国科学院国家天文台大科学中心与TAP合作单位共同商定,将于2021年1月15-16日在广东省珠海市举办第五次TAP合作学术研讨会 ...
  • 《逐梦苍穹》视频分上、中、下三集共45分钟,由央视发现之旅频道《纪录东方》拍摄、制作、播放。 现就中国天文学会成立百年纪念大会进行赞助征集。
  • 您可以在国家天文科学数据中心主页顶部导航栏的“公众频道”下拉菜单中选择“全民科学”访问。或直接点击下方链接进入。
  • #15831: Independent Discovery and Photometry of a Very Slowly Evolving Nova in M31,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
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