• “鲁能杯”第三届WWT宇宙漫游制作大赛自2016年10月31日正式启动以来受到了众多天文爱好者、学生、老师及家长的关注
    5、大赛组委会对恶意票保留处理权力。   即日起登陆中国数字科技馆大赛官方投票页面即可投票。 https://www.cdstm.cn/subjects/observatory ...
  • Researchers studied the Lithium content of hundreds of thousands of Sun-like stars to understand how ...
    “Our study challenges the idea that stars like the Sun only destroy Lithium through their lives ...
    This means that the Sun itself will also manufacture Lithium in the future.
    ” “Our findings will help us to better understand and model Sun-like stars,” said ...
  • IN M31</p> <p> Qiang Yin, Haochen Xue, Cheng Ji, Jiaming Liao, Mi Zhang, Aobo Wang, Yuxi Lv, Guoyou Sun ...
    Observers Q.Yin, H.Xue, C.Ji, J.Liao, M.Zhang, A.Wang, Y.Lv, G.Sun, X.Gao , Measurer G.Sun. 0.36-m f/ ...
    日早晨上报到CBAT和TNS,报告如下:</p> <p> POSSIBLE SUPERNOVA IN IC 1267</p> <p> Ang Li, Xu Guo, Cheng Ji, Peiyuan Sun ...
    Observers A.Li,X.Guo,C.Ji,P.Sun,X.Gao,Measurer P.Sun 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and CCD ...
    nbsp;<img alt="" src="/psp/s-psp/discovery/20160211/psp16c.png" /></p> <p> 虽是除夕夜万家团圆时,可仍有一批同好以极大的热情关注着 ...
  • 1984-1993 Fine structure photographic plate of the sun at Yunnan Observatory.
    Observation target: Solar time surface data resolution (relative to the sun): 0.3 ″ Data acquisition ...
  • Supplymentary for "Predicting the geoeffectiveness of solar coronal mass ejections with the aid of Sun-as-a-star ...
  • Supplymentary for "Predicting the geoeffectiveness of solar coronal mass ejections with the aid of Sun-as-a-star ...
  • Study reveals the secret life of Lithium in Sun-like stars: Created not just destroyed Lithium is becoming ...
    Researchers studied the Lithium content of hundreds of thousands of Sun-like stars to understand how ...
    “Our study challenges the idea that stars like the Sun only destroy Lithium through their lives ...
    This means that the Sun itself will also manufacture Lithium in the future.
    ” “Our findings will help us to better understand and model Sun-like stars,” said ...
  • Observation target: Solar time surface data resolution (relative to the sun): 1 ″ Data acquisition location ...
  • Observing Station mainly records the characteristics of the dynamic spectrum of radio radiation in the sun's ...
  • Observatory, Yunnan University), Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Sub-center (Guangzhou University, Sun ...
  • Observation target: Solar time surface data resolution (relative to the sun): 1 ″ Data acquisition location ...
  • 过去110年日本天文学会女性会员数量变化情况 同时报告人还关注了LGBTQ群体的需求。Yuko Motizuki认为提高女性领导人的比例及其参与决策的程度可以有效改善这些问题。
  • 专家一方面可以在光谱中选几个显著的特征,系统会自动识别其中的谱线和对应的红移。另一方面,系统展示不同红移下所有谱线的整体重要性。整体重要性较高的红移可能对应真实红移。
  • Wang, Lin Searching for Pulsars in Globular Clusters with FAST 下载 20 2019a-125-C Sun ...
  • It enables rapid imaging of the active regions of the Sun, making it a valuable tool for studying the ...
  • and propagation directions of coronal mass ejections inferred from simultaneous full-disk imaging and Sun-as-a-star ...
  • and propagation directions of coronal mass ejections inferred from simultaneous full-disk imaging and Sun-as-a-star ...
  • 10月5日,他们在《天文学家电报(The Astronomer's Telegram)》上发表通信Atel #8120,确认这颗由廖家铭发现的超新星侯选体是一颗IIP型超新星。
    欢迎访问中国虚拟天文台网站,并关注微信公众号:虚拟天文台,了解更多情况。   ...
  • The observed data are spectral data of the 6563, 8542, and 10380 angstroms of the Sun.
  • /www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J00412572+4044233.html ATel:15759, The Astronomer's Telegram ...
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