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  • 十字臂是龙虾眼望远镜点扩散函数(PSF)的主要特征。由于所有由龙虾眼望远镜观测的目标都会受十字臂PSF的调制,因此给目标检测算法研发带来了困难。
    图2 LEIA(爱因斯坦探测器任务的宽视场x射线望远镜的探路者)对银河系中心天区单次观测获得的X射线图像(左图)和模拟图像(右图),左右图的观测时长同为800,视场18.6度x18.6度。
    关于智能光学成像实验室 智能光学成像实验室由贾鹏博士建立,面向国家基础科学装置和战略需求,展光电系统数字孪生及智能信号处理研究,研究成果服务我国空间站巡天望远镜、欧洲极大光学望远镜、大光学红外望远镜 ...
  • 科学家通过国际合作方式,使用横跨亚欧大陆8个国家的12台射电望远镜展了长期观测,精准定位了快速射电暴的天空位置。
    www.nature.com/articles/s41550-021-01569-9 图 1 艺术想象图:极其快速、极其明亮的射电信号来自于意料之外位置,也就是图片左部的靠近漩涡星系M81的年恒星星团 ...
    蓝白色脉冲显示“闪电”在几十毫过程的亮度变化。版权 D. Futselaar/ASTRON, artsource.nl 。
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • 在这一思想驱使下,他组建了智能光学成像团队,在光学望远镜和图像处理领域展了自由探索。
    他将天文数据作为数字图像处理、科技文献检索及利用等课程的背景资料和材料,设计了”太原理工大学数据标注平台“等校内教学服务网站,组织学生展教学科研结合的早期训练,拓了学生的眼界 ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), S\'ersic\ (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF $+$ S\'ersic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    S\'ersic index, half-light radius ($R_e$), and host fraction $f_{\rm host} \equiv $ {S\'ersic / (PSF ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), S\'ersic\ (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF $+$ S\'ersic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    S\'ersic index, half-light radius ($R_e$), and host fraction $f_{\rm host} \equiv $ {S\'ersic / (PSF ...
  • 这里是处理后的多频道数据文件。数据发表在 Shao et al. 2017, ApJ, 845, 138; Wang et al. 2019, ApJ, 887, 40 ...
  • 随后,周文杰、张宓等几位管理员进一步确认,并将其上报至天文电报中央局(CBAT)和暂现源名称服务网(TNS),该候选体获得编号PNV J00412572+4044233和AT 2022zzj,内部编号PSP22ai ...
    +4044233=PSP22ai) 发现者:徐建林、张宓、唐磊明、周文杰、赵经远、阮建高、孙国佑、高兴 发现亮度:18.1星等(无滤镜) 发现时间:2022年11月11日20时13分32.160 ...
    Agoston Horti-David等人同时发布了第15759号天文学家电报(ATel#15759),报告了包括AT 2022zzj在内的5颗M31新星的测光数据。
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