Basic Information and Derived Properties of the Final AGN Sample
Ming-Yang Zhuang
This table presents basic information, flux densities and derived properties of the final AGN sample in the paper. The descriptions of the columns are as follows.
Index: Object index.
Name: Object name.
RA (degree): Right ascension (J2000).
DEC (degree): Declination (J2000).
z: Redshift.
logLbol (erg/s): Logarithm of AGN bolometric luminosity.
logLbol_e: Uncertainty of logLbol.
logMBH (solar mass): Logarithm of BH mass, which has a fiducial uncertainty of 0.4 dex.
logEdd: Logarithm of Eddington ratio, whose uncertainty is dominated by that of BH mass.
RFeII: Relative FeII strength, defined as the ratio between the equivalent width of FeII to that of broad Hbeta.
RFeII_e: Uncertainty of RFeII.
Flux_grizy (mJy): Flux density of AGN host galaxy in the Pan-STARRS1 grizy bands after correcting for Galactic extinction and systematic effects.
Flux_grizy_e: Uncertainty of Flux_grizy.
Re_arcsec (arcsec): Half-light radius of the AGN host galaxy from image decomposition in the i band after correcting for systematic effects.
Re_arcsec_e: Uncertainty of Re_arcsec.
Re_kpc (kpc): Half-light radius of the AGN host galaxy from image decomposition in the i band after correcting for systematic effects.
Re_kpc_e: Uncertainty of Re_kpc.
n_i: Sersic index from image decomposition in the i band after correcting for systematic effects.
n_i_e: Uncertainty of n_i.
color (mag): Rest-frame SDSS g-r color from SED fitting.
color_e: Uncertainty of color.
logMs (solar mass): Logarithm of stellar mass from SED fitting.
logMs_e: Uncertainty of logMs.
Morph: Morphological classification based on n_i.
.. AGN1_final_sample_properties_paper.csv
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Paper Information
Paper Title:
Evolutionary Paths of Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Host Galaxies
Nature Astronomy
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Citation Guidelines
Ming-Yang Zhuang et al. 2023. Basic Information and Derived Properties of the Final AGN Sample. Version 1.0.
doi = {10.12149/101279},
url = {},
author = {Ming-Yang Zhuang},
title = {Basic Information and Derived Properties of the Final AGN Sample},
version = {1.0},
publisher = {Nataional Astronomical Data Center of China},
year= {2023}
Version 1.0 (current)
This DOI represents all versions, and will always resolve to the latest one.