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PDPP Workshop of “Technical Requirements for Digitizing Direct Photographic Plates”
Meeting Date
2024-06-18 - 2024-06-21
Meeting Language
Short Name
PDPP Workshop 2024
Sharing data through a communal database requires that both the contents cataloguing and all the metadata descriptors conform to a standard - and here we strongly recommend the Virtual Observatory (VO) standards. The Workshop will therefore need to discuss (and in as much detail as it needs) what those standards look like, and just how they must be applied to the data in this project. Another topic to be discussed is the question of “validation” , which will involve circulating a small sample of photographic plates to those already embarked on digitization, in order to inter-compare the outputs and the declared precisions of key parameters. Consensus on this last can best be reached by strong discussion among all concerned. This project will appear attractive to a wide spectrum of research astronomers because of the scope of what it offers: research into types of variability, data management and manipulation, “big data” skills such as data processing and analytics, and optimizing robotic operations. It will thus stand at the forefront of new techniques and developments in data-oriented software, whilst also being on the brink of discoveries of new types of variability, both in terms of what is presently believed known regarding the evolution and repeatability of certain phenomena, and what will be classed as bizarre or strange. Relevant theories will therefore become involved and tested in the solutions of what is uncovered in these studies of the Time Domain.