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Waves in the Milky Way Disk
Meeting Date
2024-09-09 - 2024-09-13
Meeting Language
Short Name
The Milky Way is unique in that we can study the motions of millions of individual stars in great detail. For the first time, the Gaia mission has mapped stellar kinematics throughout a sizeable fraction of the Milky Way's volume, revealing an unprecedented and unforeseen wealth of structural details. However, we are struggling to understand the links between the Milky Way's history and its observed substructures and differentiate the role of the associated internal and external perturbations. This meeting aims to discuss advances in Galactic dynamics and challenges faced with the new observations. Two groups of this structure have stirred particular interest: i) The vertical waves (giving rise to the term Galacto-seismology) and the snail shell in vertical position-velocity phase space and ii) The wave-like structures in the planar motions of stars. The former is widely believed to originate from the impact of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, while the latter is considered an imprint of the bar and/or spiral arms. How do they correlate with each other, can we attribute some of them to a common event? These important questions related to the Milky Way formation and evolution remain to be answered. It is important to bring researchers working on different aspects of this field together. Interactions and discussions are essential to generating new ideas and fostering collaborations. Hopefully, this conference can help strengthen the international connection among the attendants and improve our understanding of the Milky Way formation and evolution.