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The Progenitors of Supernovae and their Explosions
会议信息LocationChina-大理白族自治州Meeting Date2024-08-26 - 2024-08-30Meeting Language中文Short NameTheme“The Progenitors of Supernovae and their Explosions” will be held between August 26 and 30, 2024 in Dali, China and hosted by Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This meeting aims to deepen our understanding of the progenitors and explosions of supernovae (including core-collapse supernovae, thermonuclear supernovae, super-luminous supernovae and related objects), elucidate the connections between the theoretical models and the observed supernova diversities and their remnants, and provide a pathway on how to ultimately resolve the debates. Astronomers from all over the world are welcome to discuss current research progress and future collaborations. - Observational diversity of supernovae - Super-luminous supernovae - Evolution of massive stars and supernova explosions - Supernova remnants and surviving companions - Signatures of the circumstellar environment and companion constraints - Progenitor models - Explosion models - Nucleosynthesis and chemical enrichment - Binary Population Synthesis - Progenitor evolution and supernova cosmologyTag编号444