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    图2:该系统支持订阅提醒服务 国家天文台百人研究员戴昱为本系统的推广志愿者。目前会议系统已上线,运行初期,希望大家多多点击,提交反馈。
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), S\'ersic\ (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF $+$ S\'ersic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    S\'ersic index, half-light radius ($R_e$), and host fraction $f_{\rm host} \equiv $ {S\'ersic / (PSF ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), S\'ersic\ (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF $+$ S\'ersic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    S\'ersic index, half-light radius ($R_e$), and host fraction $f_{\rm host} \equiv $ {S\'ersic / (PSF ...
  • 超星系团 超星系团由多个星系团或星系群组成的大质量天体,是宇宙中已知的最大尺度的结构之一。
  • 近日,国家天文科学数据中心完成世界数据系统(WDS)会员资格续签工作。此后三年,中心将继续作为该组织的正式成员(regular member)。
    图中心与WDS签署谅解备忘录确认续签会员身份 ...
  • 目前,他主要研究方向为融合数据处理方法和仪器设计的智能光学系统,包括以光学系统点扩散函数(PSF)为接入点的各类光学仪器标定和数据后处理方法、基于数字孪生技术的光电系统模拟和状态估计方法和基于科学数据质量的光电系统自主控制方法 ...
  • 中国天文学会第14次全国会员代表大会暨中国天文学会十四届理事会第一次会议2018年10月31日-11月1日在昆明召开。
    中国天文学会第14次全国会员代表大会现场   天文学正在信息与计算技术等新兴科技的驱动下发生着根本性的变革。
    组织制订天文信息化相关技术标准和管理标准 3、组织评选“信息化工作先进个人” 4、代表中国天文学会对接国内外信息化有关部门、机构、团体组织 5、承接中国天文学会交办的其他事宜等   委员会委员遴选通过中国天文学会团体会员推荐和个人会员自荐的方式进行 ...
  • 紫金山天文台的多通道近红外太阳光谱仪(MISS)于上世纪 70 年建成,经过上世纪 80 年中期和 90 年末及本世纪(最新 2015 年的改造升级)的更新,发展成现在的 5 个波段(Hα 6563 ...
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