• -13 December -- Engineering/Full Moon (B) Starting 2019A Semester, about 8-12 (continuous) nights per ...
    consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per ...
    night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance or you need more than 2 hours per night ...
  • (D) Starting 2019A Semester, about 8-12 (continuous) nights per months of LOT time will be given to a ...
    consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per ...
    night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance or you need more than 2 hours per night * ...
  • programs 01-02 May 09-10 May 24 July (B) Starting 2019A Semester, about 8-12 (continuous) nights per ...
    with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per ...
    night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance or you need more than 2 hours per night ...
  • consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per ...
    night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance or you need more than 2 hours per night * ...
  • 在线人数峰值为1.5万人,日常约7000余人。
    图3:线下培训现场 图4:培训在线上进行同步直播 课程结束后,国家天文台科学传播中心和国家天文台兴隆观测基地将本次培训的录播视频上传到了哔哩哔哩国家天文台官方站点,感兴趣的观众可以根据需要进行回放观看 ...
  • with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per ...
    night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance or you need more than 2 hours per night ...
  • IAU大会LOGO   https://v.qq.com/x/page/i0759jfbilr.html 压题视频:IAU大会宣传视频   第三十届国际天文学联合会大会(简称IAU ...
    其中涉及IAU 2020-2030十年战略规划,历史天文数据的保存、数字化和科学利用,国际天球参考架、国际地心参考系的修订,哈勃定律的重命名等。     ...
  • 研究人员可以借助这个功能为自己的科学成果快速制作视频资料。这就是万维望远镜的视频摘要(Video Abstract)功能。
    根据紫金山天文台盱眙站首席科学家赵海斌研究员提供的小行星轨道数据,凌源市第二高级中学梁雷老师和凌源中学冯宇静老师为这个重要发现制作了视频摘要《奇异小天体—2018 RR2》。
  • 这种全新的教学模式将有效弥补课本和平面视频的单一性,从而全面提升中小学科学教学质量和青少年科学素养。
  • These substructures coincide with h Per and χ Per: the distributions of the proper motions and the color-magnitude ...
    diagrams of the members of Sub1-1 and Sub1-2 are fully consistent with those of h Per and χ Per reported ...
  • These substructures coincide with h Per and χ Per: the distributions of the proper motions and the color-magnitude ...
    diagrams of the members of Sub1-1 and Sub1-2 are fully consistent with those of h Per and χ Per reported ...
  • These substructures coincide with h Per and χ Per: the distributions of the proper motions and the color-magnitude ...
    diagrams of the members of Sub1-1 and Sub1-2 are fully consistent with those of h Per and χ Per reported ...
  • These substructures coincide with h Per and χ Per: the distributions of the proper motions and the color-magnitude ...
    diagrams of the members of Sub1-1 and Sub1-2 are fully consistent with those of h Per and χ Per reported ...
  • 视频地址:https://v.qq.com/x/page/r07355z34vs.html 1.什么是万维天象厅? ...
  • 保存成易读的pdf格式文件。
  • 截至目前,会议注册人数已达238人,再创历届IVOA年会参与人数的历史新高。
    图1:历届IVOA互操作年会注册人数 会议期间,IVOA各工作组、兴趣组将系统介绍各自领域的工作现状;结合当下天文学研究热点,深入探讨IVOA相关工作在前沿及热点领域的应用;展示IVOA标准及工具在推动天文学新发现与成果产出等方面所取得的最新进展 ...
  • “鲁能杯”第三届WWT宇宙漫游制作大赛自2016年10月31日正式启动以来受到了众多天文爱好者、学生、老师及家长的关注。经过历时五个多月的作品征集阶段,大赛官方网站最终收到近百部来自全国各地不同年龄不同背景参赛者提交的优秀漫游作品。 这些作品围绕着天文学基础知识、天文学最新科学成果、航空航天和太空探索、地球科学和绿色家园等主题,以制作者自身的视角和方式或讲述天文科学知识,或回顾历史成就,或描绘未来发展。作品选材内容广泛,具有较高的制作水平和审美水准。通过初步的筛选和整理,共计88个有效作品将登陆中国数字科技馆网站的在线投票平台,参与网络人气奖的角逐。具体网络投票说 ...
  • RS Ser, V449 Per, MR Del, V593 Cen, and V1095 Her are short-period eclipsing binaries.
    We determined the spectral type of V449 Per as K0(±2)V using low-resolution spectra from the Lijiang ...
    The period of V449 Per increases continuously at a rate of 9.5 × 10<SUP>-8</SUP> d yr<SUP>-1</SUP>, which ...
    We obtained preliminary photometric parameters for RS Ser, V1095 Her, and V449 Per.
  • RS Ser, V449 Per, MR Del, V593 Cen, and V1095 Her are short-period eclipsing binaries.
    We determined the spectral type of V449 Per as K0(±2)V using low-resolution spectra from the Lijiang ...
    The period of V449 Per increases continuously at a rate of 9.5 × 10<SUP>-8</SUP> d yr<SUP>-1</SUP>, which ...
    We obtained preliminary photometric parameters for RS Ser, V1095 Her, and V449 Per.
  • RS Ser, V449 Per, MR Del, V593 Cen, and V1095 Her are short-period eclipsing binaries.
    We determined the spectral type of V449 Per as K0(±2)V using low-resolution spectra from the Lijiang ...
    The period of V449 Per increases continuously at a rate of 9.5 × 10<SUP>-8</SUP> d yr<SUP>-1</SUP>, which ...
    We obtained preliminary photometric parameters for RS Ser, V1095 Her, and V449 Per.
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