• 该数据是我们在论文《用COLA快速生成模拟星系表》中提到的SDSS DR12星系的模拟星表,产生快速模拟星表的技术是基于以下几个:Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave ...
  • 这是我们论文“用COLA快速生成模拟星系目录”的支持数据,包括模拟目录和merger-tree输出的晕文件。
  • IRT, stellar parameters and other valuable information, the uncertainties of the index also be given too ...
  • IRT, stellar parameters and other valuable information, the uncertainties of the index also be given too ...
  • EP卫星的主要目标是对软X射线的天空开展快速时域巡天监测,旨在发现和探索宇宙中的各类高能暂现和爆发天体,并监测各类天体的X射线变化。
    EP科学团队之外的学者,可通过申请客座观测项目(Guest Observer Program, 或 GO;暂定每年征集一次)和首席专属观测时间项目(DDT,针对 ToO 机遇观测) 使用EP卫星开展科学观测 ...
    可申请加入的领域工作组有(STP1-5最多可选2个, STP6⽆限制): STP1.活动星系核和潮汐瓦解事件( AGN & TDE) STP2.快速河外暂现源( Fast Extragalactic ...
  • Lulin's website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO ...
    policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance ...
    or you need more than 2 hours per night * please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff (Chi-Sheng ...
    and Hsiang-Yao) * the original PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO The accepted proposals ...
  • :16px;">PSP发现图像</span></p> <p>  </p> <p> <span style="font-size:18px;">管理员赵经远想起其拥有加拿大圣玛丽大学伯克-夫尼天文台 ...
    </span></p> <p> <span style="font-size:18px;">特别感谢伯克-夫尼天文台补拍确认以及云南天文台拍摄光谱证认。
    </strong></span></p> <p> <span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>圣玛丽大学伯克-夫尼天文台(Burke-Gaffney Observatory ...
    ,BGO)</strong>位于加拿大圣玛丽大学一栋22层住宅楼顶,国际天文学联合会天文台编号851,以圣玛丽大学天文与物理学系创建者迈克尔·沃尔特·伯克-夫尼(Michael ...
    500px; height: 498px;" /></span></p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size:16px;">伯克-夫尼天文台 ...
  • Lulin's website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO ...
    policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance ...
    or you need more than 2 hours per night * please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff ( ...
    Chi-Sheng and Hsiang-Yao)  * the original PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO ...
  • Lulin's website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO ...
    policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance ...
    or you need more than 2 hours per night * please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff (Chi-Sheng ...
    and Hsiang-Yao) * the original PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO The accepted proposals ...
  • Lulin's website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO ...
    policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance ...
    or you need more than 2 hours per night * please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff (Chi-Sheng ...
    , Hsiang-Yao and Wei-Jie) * the original PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO The ...
  • #39;s website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO ...
    policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance ...
    or you need more than 2 hours per night * please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff (Chi-Sheng ...
    , Hsiang-Yao and Wei-Jie) * the original PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO ...
  • website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin observing staff (lulinobsstaff@gm.astro.ncu.edu.tw) ToO ...
    policy: * maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance ...
    * please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff (lulinobsstaff@gm.astro.ncu.edu.tw) * the original ...
    PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO The accepted proposals and schedule for 2024B ...
  • 赣榆精细结构望远镜口径为26cm, 在656.3纳米观测太阳色球,能够对太阳活动区快速成像。主要用来研究太阳耀斑的触发和释能、暗条爆发以及色球冲浪喷射等精细过程。
  • 这是“Fast generation of mock galaxy catalogue with COLA”一文中所用到的数据集,包括BOSS CMASS NGC星系的模拟星表和暗物质粒子模拟直接输出的暗物质晕表。
  • candidates screened by a machine-learning scheme 29 PT2021_0045 Zhong-Yi Lin FAST ToO ...
    Reprocessing Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey Data 78 PT2021_0117 Xiangdong Li FAST ToO ...
    下载 108 ZD2021_4 王杰 M31中性氢成像与脉冲星搜寻 下载 109 ZD2021_5 张冰、朱玮炜 快速射电暴的搜寻和多波段观测 ...
  • 500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST);日本的野边山射电天文台;俄罗斯的RATAN600米射电望远镜(RATAN-600);德国埃菲尔斯伯格射电望远镜;英国洛弗尔望远镜和格林尼治皇家天文台;位于西班牙的那利大型望远镜 ...
  • with FAST pulsar polarization observations 59 PT2020_0166 Chao-Wei Tsai FAST ToO ...
    银道面脉冲星巡天 下载 67 ZD2020_4 王杰 M31中性氢成像与脉冲星搜寻 下载 68 ZD2020_5 张冰、朱玮炜 快速射电暴的搜寻和多波段观测 ...
  • PSP发现图像       管理员赵经远想起其拥有加拿大圣玛丽大学伯克-夫尼天文台(Burke-Gaffney Observatory,BGO,以下使用简称)24英寸拉尔夫·麦德约克望远镜 ...
  • 1条山脊:图山脊 11个着陆点:月球16号、17号、20号、21号、23号和24号,勘测者1号、3号、5号、6号和7号。 2.
    对于标识不够明确的月溪、月谷、山脉、山脊、海角等地标方框、圆圈或箭头进行精确标识。 4. 为保证印刷后的清晰度,将着陆点文字的颜色改为紫色白边,并在地图右下角加上了颜色说明。
  • Moitinho 数据发布后,国家天文科学数据中心借阿里云快速通道第一时间完成了Gaia EDR3数据的国内镜像工作,目前镜像已开放访问,地址为 https://nadc.china-vo.org ...
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