• 近日,国家天文科学数据中心完成世界数据系统(WDS)会员资格续签工作。此后三年,中心将继续作为该组织的正式成员(regular member)。
    今后,国家天文科学数据中心将继续提升业务水平与服务能力,切实保障天文科学数据的规范汇聚、动态管理和集成运用,持续推动科学数据开放共享,激发科学数据融合应用价值,积极参与国际间合作,打造一个高水平、具有国际影响力的科学数据平台 ...
    图中心与WDS签署谅解备忘录确认续签会员身份 ...
  • 为更好地激发个人积极性,同时契合委员所在机构或单位的业务发展规划,本届委员会委员采用“个人自荐,机构备案”的方式,即只接受个人自荐申请,但自荐表中需要有所在机构、单位的盖章审核。
    信息委委员遴选中国天文学会会员优先,但不限于中国天文学会会员。 天文信息化工作需要您的支持!中国天文学会信息化工作委员会欢迎您的参与!
  • NADC now has 4 sub-centers: Lijiang Sub-Center (Lijiang Municipal Government, Yunnan Observatory, Yunnan ...
    University), Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Sub-center (Guangzhou University, Sun Yat-sen ...
    Hebei Normal University, West China Normal University, Liaoning Normal University), Zhijiang Laboratory Sub-center ...
  • 综合利用我国抚仙湖观测站新真空太阳望远镜(NVST)以及国外的日出(Hinode)、界面层成像光谱仪(IRIS)、太阳动力学天文台(SDO)、地球静止轨道环境业务卫星(GOES)数据,杨书红等人详细研究了发生在 ...
    研究工作得到了科技部国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重大和面上项目、中科院青促会优秀会员人才专项等的支持。 国家天文科学数据中心为天文观测设备和研究计划提供数据与技术服务。
  • .WWTresourceDL { width: 100px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 5px; display: block; border-radius: 20px; margin: 0px 50px; border: 1px solid #669999; color: #336666; } .WWTresourceDL:hover { background-color: rgba(153,204,204,0.6); font-w ...
  • 中国天文学会第14次全国会员代表大会暨中国天文学会十四届理事会第一次会议2018年10月31日-11月1日在昆明召开。
    中国天文学会第14次全国会员代表大会现场   天文学正在信息与计算技术等新兴科技的驱动下发生着根本性的变革。
    组织制订天文信息化相关技术标准和管理标准 3、组织评选“信息化工作先进个人” 4、代表中国天文学会对接国内外信息化有关部门、机构、团体组织 5、承接中国天文学会交办的其他事宜等   委员会委员遴选通过中国天文学会团体会员推荐和个人会员自荐的方式进行 ...
  • 这使IAU的国家会员总数达到83个国家。   在闭幕式上,大会还批准了1248名新个人会员加入IAU,使其个人会员总数超过13500名。
    在这些新加入IAU的个人成员中,有30%是女性,这相对于以前IAU会员的性别平衡有了很大的改善,之前只有18%是女性。   ...
    不过对于提案B4 –将Hubble定律重新命名为Hubble-Lemaitre定律,还需要请所有IAU会员在2018年内进行电子投票,以确保更广泛的参与决策。
  • We calculate mean characteristic twist parameters α <SUB>FPIL</SUB> within the "flaring polarity inversion ...
    line" region and α <SUB>HFED</SUB> within the area of high photospheric magnetic free energy density ...
    We find that in about 90% of eruptive flares, α <SUB>FPIL</SUB>/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> and α <SUB>HFED</SUB>/ ...
    Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> are beyond critical values (2.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> and 3.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> Mm<SUP>- ...
    This indicates that the new parameter α/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> is well able to distinguish eruptive flares from ...
  • We calculate mean characteristic twist parameters α <SUB>FPIL</SUB> within the "flaring polarity inversion ...
    line" region and α <SUB>HFED</SUB> within the area of high photospheric magnetic free energy density ...
    We find that in about 90% of eruptive flares, α <SUB>FPIL</SUB>/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> and α <SUB>HFED</SUB>/ ...
    Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> are beyond critical values (2.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> and 3.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> Mm<SUP>- ...
    This indicates that the new parameter α/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> is well able to distinguish eruptive flares from ...
  • We calculate mean characteristic twist parameters α <SUB>FPIL</SUB> within the "flaring polarity inversion ...
    line" region and α <SUB>HFED</SUB> within the area of high photospheric magnetic free energy density ...
    We find that in about 90% of eruptive flares, α <SUB>FPIL</SUB>/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> and α <SUB>HFED</SUB>/ ...
    Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> are beyond critical values (2.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> and 3.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> Mm<SUP>- ...
    This indicates that the new parameter α/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> is well able to distinguish eruptive flares from ...
  • We calculate mean characteristic twist parameters α <SUB>FPIL</SUB> within the "flaring polarity inversion ...
    line" region and α <SUB>HFED</SUB> within the area of high photospheric magnetic free energy density ...
    We find that in about 90% of eruptive flares, α <SUB>FPIL</SUB>/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> and α <SUB>HFED</SUB>/ ...
    Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> are beyond critical values (2.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> and 3.2 × 10<SUP>-24</SUP> Mm<SUP>- ...
    This indicates that the new parameter α/Φ<SUB>AR</SUB> is well able to distinguish eruptive flares from ...
  • Our results support that the ratio of current-carrying to total helicity, | {H}<SUB>{{J</SUB>}}| /| { ...
    H}<SUB>{ \mathcal V </SUB>}| , shows a strong ability to indicate the eruptive potential of a solar AR ...
    However, | {H}<SUB>{{J</SUB>}}| /| {H}<SUB>{ \mathcal V </SUB>}| does not seem to be indicative for the ...
    the total relative helicity normalized to the magnetic flux at the NLFF model’s lower boundary, {H}<SUB ...
    >{ \mathcal V </SUB>}/{φ }<SUP>2</SUP>, represents no indicator for the eruptivity.
  • Our results support that the ratio of current-carrying to total helicity, | {H}<SUB>{{J</SUB>}}| /| { ...
    H}<SUB>{ \mathcal V </SUB>}| , shows a strong ability to indicate the eruptive potential of a solar AR ...
    However, | {H}<SUB>{{J</SUB>}}| /| {H}<SUB>{ \mathcal V </SUB>}| does not seem to be indicative for the ...
    the total relative helicity normalized to the magnetic flux at the NLFF model’s lower boundary, {H}<SUB ...
    >{ \mathcal V </SUB>}/{φ }<SUP>2</SUP>, represents no indicator for the eruptivity.
  • 近日,重庆市科学技术协会经研究决定,同意成立重庆昭阳天文科学教育研究院,并担任其业务主管单位。
    重庆昭阳天文科学教育研究院由重庆梧台科技有限公司主导创办,拟定的业务范围主要为:天文科学教育研究、天文科学课程资源开发建设、天文科学教育实验与经验推广、天文科学教育科研成果推广、天文科学教育云平台建设与管理 ...
  • 国际天文学联合会(IAU)第31届大会的业务会议8月23-26日以网络会议方式举行。科学部分的会议推迟一年,计划于2022年8月在韩国釜山召开。
  • FAST 27 PT2021_0047 Xun Shi Pulsar scintillation arclets monitoring: probing sub-AU ...
    Properties of Pulsar Single Pulses with FAST 47 PT2021_0092 Weiyang Wang Monitoring sub-pulse ...
  • 北京天文学会是在竺可桢先生倡议下,于1952年由戴文赛先生联合在京的20余位中国天文学会会员发起成立的,现有会员500余名。
    为更好地探索宇宙奥秘,面向天文学前沿,加强各会员单位、会员间的交流与合作,北京天文学会第十七届理事会特组织2024年度学术交流研讨会,面向京津冀地区年轻学者和研究生,并邀请相关领域中青年专家学者就国际研究前沿 ...
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    eff</SUB> < 4500K and -2 dex < [M/H] < 0.5 dex.
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    eff</SUB> < 4500K and -2 dex < [M/H] < 0.5 dex.
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
  • In this paper, we present a catalog of the spectroscopic stellar parameters (T<SUB>eff</SUB> and [M/H ...
    We train a SLAM model using LAMOST spectra with APOGEE Data Release 16 labels with 2800 K < T<SUB> ...
    eff</SUB> < 4500K and -2 dex < [M/H] < 0.5 dex.
    The SLAM T<SUB>eff</SUB> is in agreement to within ∼50 K compared to the previous study determined by ...
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