• 由于其爆发间隔短,吸引了许多新星猎手的目光,每年下半年都会有大量天文学家和天文爱好者对其所在的天区进行监测,希望尽可能早地发现它的爆发,并及时进行后随观测,以期揭示这颗再发新星独特的性质。
    图12 AT 2023yvj的发现图像(左)与泛星巡天项目历史图像(右) 他的发言吸引了管理员们的兴致,在快速确认了该候选体的真实性后,管理员们分工合作,有条不紊地进行上报工作。
    aa29368-16/aa29368-16.html ATel#5503:H-alpha Confirmation of Six Novae in M31,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
    read=5503 ATel#16354:M31N 2013-10c (= AT 2023yoa) is a Recurrent Nova in M31,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
    discovery of the 2023 eruption with Half Meter Telescope at Xingming Observatory,The Astronomer's Telegram ...
  • 这是大气湍流相位屏数字孪生模型的示例代码,该代码权重及相位屏尺度被锁,最大可生成128*128像素500副相位屏,可以为各类算法测试提供参考。
  • 这是大气湍流相位屏数字孪生模型的示例代码,该代码权重及相位屏尺度被锁,最大可生成128*128像素500副相位屏,可以为各类算法测试提供参考。
  • 237年前的1781年3月13日晚,英国天文学家赫歇尔像往常一样,用自制的15厘米口径反射望远镜观测星空,他注意到双子座附近有一颗星图上查不到的星星,改用900多倍的目镜再次观测之后,赫歇尔肯定了这不是一颗恒星,而是一颗行星——天王星。 天文学是一门历史悠久的科学,随着科学技术的发展,天文观测和数据共享能力不断实现跨越式发展,不论是天文学家还是普通民众,每个人都有可能成为下一个赫歇尔。 2月6日,国家天文台-阿里云天文大数据联合研究中心启动了“天文数据挖掘”天池大赛,面向公众开放天文科学探索课题,为选手提供云计算、人工智能技术,分析望远镜收集的真实天文数据。 “ ...
  • /www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J00412572+4044233.html ATel:15759, The Astronomer's Telegram ...
  • lists 27 fields for targets observed by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th, 2011 and June 8th ...
  • with multiple epoch observations by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • information of 4,922 plates observed by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • information of 4,922 plates observed by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • fields for 13,220,459 targets observed by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • 本次会议在延续CSST科学年会(2022/2023)的模式,推动CSST各科学中心、各科学领域和各课题的交流的同时,也将新增天文计算专题,推动CSST科学研究的整体前进,进一步提升科学影响力,吸引各类人才关注 ...
  • CV type stellar spectra obtained by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • 708,797 M type star spectra obtained by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • WD type stellar spectra obtained by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • 597,762 A type star spectra obtained by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • with multiple epoch observations by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • 601,186 A type star spectra obtained by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • 第五届宇宙漫游创作大赛自官宣以来,吸引了许多参赛者积极投入到备赛当中。近期,由于部分地区疫情尚不稳定,部分选手的创作进度因此受到了一定的影响,组委会陆续收到了一些延迟提交作品的申请。
    我们了解到,北京市东城区青少年科技馆还专门组织了一场青少年宇宙漫游创作培训,吸引了来自史家小学、汇文中学、北京二中、潞河中学附属学校、北京教科院丰台学校、人大附中亦庄新城学校等在内的东城区、丰台区、通州区 ...
  • 711,936 M type star spectra obtained by LAMOST low resolution survey during October 24th 2011 and June 8th ...
  • The LAMOST 8th data release version 0 medium-resolution survey (MRS) data contains spectra obtained from ...
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