• “鲁能杯”第三届WWT宇宙漫游制作大赛自2016年10月31日正式启动以来受到了众多天文爱好者、学生、老师及家长的关注。经过历时五个多月的作品征集阶段,大赛官方网站最终收到近百部来自全国各地不同年龄不同背景参赛者提交的优秀漫游作品。 这些作品围绕着天文学基础知识、天文学最新科学成果、航空航天和太空探索、地球科学和绿色家园等主题,以制作者自身的视角和方式或讲述天文科学知识,或回顾历史成就,或描绘未来发展。作品选材内容广泛,具有较高的制作水平和审美水准。通过初步的筛选和整理,共计88个有效作品将登陆中国数字科技馆网站的在线投票平台,参与网络人气奖的角逐。具体网络投票说 ...
  • 谭瀚杰在排除了已知目标、小行星、变星后,NEXT也完成了补拍,进一步排除了噪等可能。
    也得到了B和R标准滤镜的亮度,分别为:16.79±0.02星等(5x240;世界时2021年9月11.909日)和16.39±0.01星等(5x120;世界时2021年9 ...
    视频小程序,轻两下取消在看,轻两下取消在看 ...
  • 论文链接:击这里。 宇宙中天体发出的电磁波携带着天体的活动信息,是人类与天体交流的信使。
    当光线在两个方向上都反射偶次或未经过反射直接透过微通道管时光线将成为背景光线,焦对比度降低。 十字臂是龙虾眼望远镜扩散函数(PSF)的主要特征。
  • Project,以下简称PSP)和宁波市教育局-新疆天文台望远镜(Ningbo bureau of Education and Xinjiang Observatory Telescope,以下简称NEXT)先后始工作 ...
    align="center">  </p> <p> <span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:黑体;">12月16日24刚过 ...
    style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:黑体;">2019年12月21日凌晨,芬兰图尔库大学和英国利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学的天文学家使用位于西班牙加那利岛的 ...
  • </p> <p> 截止到8月1日17,已经有305人成功注册本系统,其中PSP系统发布当天(7月29日)就有近100人成功注册。
    </p> <p> 由于7月29、30日两晚,星明天文台天气状况不好,在这两晚的0和1,PSP系统都放出了前几天拍摄的旧图供各位新用户练手。
    </p> <p> 7月31日晚,天气晴好,在晚间0、1、2、7、8、9、10各放出了最新拍摄的超新星搜索图片。
    </p> <p> 如果各位用户还有什么建议意见的,可以加入XOSS星明天文台巡天QQ反馈交流,号码:73444198</p> ...
  • 既然这个工作人人都可参与,为何不让大家像游戏一样都玩玩呢,天文如果玩起来一定会很心的,如此,PSP平台应运而生。可以这么说,PSP系统其实就是一个网上看图平台。
    一旦系统始发放图片,我们希望您尽快查看,因为越早查看的是越新的图片,本系统会设置一张图片被多个不同的用户各查看一遍,我想您肯定希望自己查看的是最新的未被别人查看过的图啦:)~为避免一张图片被长时间占用 ...
    为方便交流,大家可以加入XOSS星明天文台巡天QQ号码:73444198,申请时请注明:“真实姓名+省市”,您还可以在内结识更多资深天文同好,了解参与星明天文台主持的其他巡天项目 ...
    了解星明天文台观测地的实时天气情况,可以击这里。了解星明天文台其他情况可以击这里 马上始 在线测试 吧 ...
  • 目前,他主要研究方向为融合数据处理方法和仪器设计的智能光学系统,包括以光学系统扩散函数(PSF)为接入的各类光学仪器标定和数据后处理方法、基于数字孪生技术的光电系统模拟和状态估计方法和基于科学数据质量的光电系统自主控制方法 ...
    他将天文数据作为数字图像处理、科技文献检索及利用等课程的背景资料和材料,设计了”太原理工大学数据标注平台“等校内教学服务网站,组织学生展教学科研结合的早期训练,拓了学生的眼界 ...
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • same profile belong to the same manifold space, we propose a nonparametric point-spread function -- PSF-NET ...
    The PSF-NET has a cycle convolutional neural network structure and is a statistical representation of ...
    Testing the PSF-NET with simulated and real observation data, we find that a well trained PSF-NET can ...
    Besides, we further use the impulse response of the PSF-NET, which can be viewed as the statistical mean ...
    PSF, to analyze interpretation properties of the PSF-NET.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in the development ...
    of data-processing methods, such as PSF-based astrometry, photometry, and image restoration.
    However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole ...
    optical system are quite complex and the signal-to-noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF ...
    applications in PSF estimation.
  • 因此,我们只能不断地搜寻天空,在星中发现并分辨出它。虽然这个工作计算机也能做,但是天空实在是太复杂了。数以百万计的小行星、相机噪、鬼影、宇宙射线等等都会被误以为是可疑目标。
    </p> <p>星明天文台公众超新星搜寻项目(Popular Supernova Project,PSP),是由星明天文台和中国虚拟天文台(China-VO)合作展的面向普通大众的宇宙新天体搜寻项目之一 ...
    </p> <p>PSP的前身,星明天文台超新星小行星搜索计划(SASP),自2010年始运行以来,已经独立最先发现超新星30颗左右,有一批勤奋、认真、严谨的爱好者先后参与此项目并发现过属于自己的超新星 ...
    </p> <p>如今,星明天文台借助中国虚拟天文台强大的技术发与资源实力对原有系统进行改造,推出全新的PSP平台,以期望让科学普及真正落实,让人人都关注科学,关心天文,用最简单的方式参与科学研究 ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
  • the left column shows the radial profile of the surface brightness (open circles with error bars), PSF ...
    component (blue), Se ́rsic (red) component, and total model (purple; PSF + Se ́rsic).
    left to right, the original data, best-fit total model, data with the nucleus component modeled by a PSF ...
    The best-fit Se ́rsic index, half-light radius (Re), and host fraction fhost ≡ Se ́rsic / (PSF + Se ́ ...
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