• 主席Silvia Torres-Peimbert、秘书长Piero Benvenuti、副主席刘晓为,以及大会地方组委会主席Gehard Hensler、IAU前主席Bob Williams出席会谈,使馆科技参赞杨少军 ...
    颜毅华研究员为获得IAU博士奖的学者颁奖(颜毅华 供图) l 国家天文台颜毅华研究员作为太阳与日球层学部主席为获得IAU博士奖的学者颁奖、介绍明安图太阳射电日像仪最新成果; l 北京大学三位获得 ...
    国家天文台副台长薛随建介绍中国参加30米望远镜情况; l 上海天文台沈俊太研究员介绍银河系结构方面最新研究进展; l 中科院高能所张双南研究员和熊少林研究员等介绍慧眼卫星最新成果; l 海南大学教授介绍天体磁场方面的研究进展 ...
    电子会刊(e-Newsletter)是本届大会组委会为落实绿色会的承诺采取的新举措。上周“绿色”主题那期现场报道中忘说了。   今日看点 大会第二周的第一天仍然是学部科学日。
    傍晚时分将有来自美国哈佛史密松天体物理中心的科学家Sean Andrews带来的关于行星形成观测的特邀报告。 前方记者/图文:崔辰州 ...
  • Astronomical plates are a precious heritage of astronomical observation and research. In recent years, there has been international cooperation between the Plate Digitalization Laboratory of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory and the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute in Uzbekistan in the dig ...
  • From 25th to 29th October,2021 (CST), the 31st ADASS meeting was held both in Cape Town, South Africa ...
  • 来自科学技术部基础司,国家科技基础条件平台中心,中国科学院网信、科学传播局,中心理事会、专家委员会的相关领导和专家,以及各分中心、共建单位代表通过线上线下方式参加了会议。
    图1:会议现场 会上,国家科技基础条件平台中心副主任王瑞丹、中科院网信执行副主任褚大伟、中心理事长常进为共同建设国家天文科学数据中心教育研发应用中心的三个共建单位——华中师范大学 ...
  • Credit: NASA, ESA 爱斯基摩星云 Credit: NASA, ESA, Andrew Fruchter (STScI), and the ERO team (STScI + ST-ECF ...
    Oesch, University of California, Santa Cruz; R.
    Bouwens, Leiden University; and the HUDF09 Team   哈勃AWS公开数据集(The Hubble AWS Public Dataset)出现的意义是非常深远的 ...
  • are organizing a community workshop on 21 cm cosmology, which is scheduled to be held between July 21st ...
  • Advice for writing proposals Four TAP workshops have been held at PKU/KIAA (1st), NAOC (2nd,3rd), ...
  • | ...
  • 图2:崔辰州博士在ZOOM会议室做《State of the IVOA》主题报告 会议期间,IVOA各工作组、兴趣组结合当下天文学研究的需求,就如何构建新一代天文数据共享工具以及共享标准展开讨论。
    他表示,参会专家对ConeSearch(锥形检索)标准在时域数据上支持的总结和讨论很有启发性;此外,CDS的ST-MOC从时间纬度扩展了原有的Multi-Order Coverage Map标准,是实现时域数据可视化和数据归档检索的重要技术手段 ...
    目前联盟有21个成员,包括20个VO项目(中国、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、智利、欧洲、法国、德国、匈牙利、印度、意大利、日本、俄罗斯、南非、西班牙、乌克兰、英国和美国)以及欧洲空间局这个政府间组织 ...
  • Parameter Catalog lists stellar parameters obtained by LAMOST medium resolution survey during September 1st ...
    and December 31st in 2020.
  • According to the FAST data management policy, FAST Scientific Data Release 16 was published on 1st Febuary ...
    The published scientific data include the observation data from November the 1st, 2022 to January the ...
    31st, 2023.
  • According to the FAST data management policy, FAST Scientific Data Release 15 was published on 1st November ...
    The published scientific data include the observation data from August the 1st, 2022 to October the 31st ...
  • According to the FAST data management policy, FAST Scientific Data Release 14 was published on 1st August ...
    The published scientific data include the observation data from May the 1st, 2022 to July the 31st 2022 ...
  • According to the FAST data management policy, FAST Scientific Data Release 10 was published on 1st August ...
    The published scientific data include the observation data from May the 1st, 2021 to July the 31st 2021 ...
  • According to the FAST data management policy, FAST Scientific Data Release 12 was published on 1st Febuary ...
    The published scientific data include the observation data from November the 1st, 2021 to January the ...
    31st 2022.
  • According to the FAST data management policy, FAST Scientific Data Release 11 was published on 1st November ...
    The published scientific data include the observation data from August the 1st, 2021 to October the 31st ...
  • DR9 v0 Q1 LRS Input Catalog lists information of input targets observed by LAMOST during September 1st ...
    and December 31st in 2020.
  • Catalog lists information of input targets observed by LAMOST medium resolution survey during October 1st ...
    2019 and June 30st 2016.
  • MRS Observed Plate Information Catalog lists information of plates observed by LAMOST during January 1st ...
    and March 31st in 2020.
  • 承接中国天文学会交的其他事宜等   据悉,信息委将于今年6月在南京召开成立大会。为促进委员会各方面工作的深入开展,信息委计划设立科研信息化、管理信息化、科教信息化、信息化基础设施四个工作组。
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