• 通过初步的筛选和整理,共计88个有效作品将登陆中国数字科技馆网站的在线投票平台,参与网络人气奖的角逐。
    5、大赛组委会对恶意票保留处理权力。   即日起登陆中国数字科技馆大赛官方投票页面即可投票。 https://www.cdstm.cn/subjects/observatory ...
  • 国家天文科学数据中心牵头开展的公众科学项目——火流星上报平台自2023年8月份上线以来,受到了大量天文爱好者们的关注。
    上传人:王智琛 发现时间:2023年12月14日19:58:57 流星特点:流星图像正,伴有飞机轨迹,画面感很强。 图10 王智琛作品 10.
  • 1990年4月24日,哈勃空间望远镜由发现号航天飞机搭载升空,开创了天文学研究的新时代。
    图2 康普顿伽马射线天文台(CGRO)艺术渲染图 康普顿伽马射线天文台于1991年4月5日由亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机搭载升空,运行在高度为450km的近地轨道上,以此避免范艾伦辐射带的影响。
    斯皮策空间望远镜在美国佛罗里达州的卡纳维尔角由德尔塔Ⅱ型火箭发射升空,运行在一条位于地球公转轨道后方、环绕太阳的轨道上,并以每年0.1天文单位的速度逐渐远离地球,这导致望远镜一旦出现故障将无法使用航天飞机对其进行维修 ...
  • There are 2849 ARs in the database, with 1481 ARs in cycle 23 and 1098 ARs in cycle 24.
    The database covers a large range of ARs, from 136 μHem to 30122 μHem.
  • There are 2849 ARs in the database, with 1481 ARs in cycle 23 and 1098 ARs in cycle 24.
    The database covers a large range of ARs, from 136 μHem to 30122 μHem.
  • There are 2849 ARs in the database, with 1481 ARs in cycle 23 and 1098 ARs in cycle 24.
    The database covers a large range of ARs, from 136 μHem to 30122 μHem.
  • There are 2849 ARs in the database, with 1481 ARs in cycle 23 and 1098 ARs in cycle 24.
    The database covers a large range of ARs, from 136 μHem to 30122 μHem.
  • We find that the total unsigned magnetic flux ( ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ ) of active regions (ARs ...
    obtained between the critical decay index height and ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ , implying that ARs ...
    Moreover, the confined flares originating from ARs larger than $1.0\times {10}^{23}$ Mx have several ...
    Our findings reveal new relations between the magnetic flux of ARs and the occurrence of CMEs in association ...
  • We find that the total unsigned magnetic flux ( ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ ) of active regions (ARs ...
    obtained between the critical decay index height and ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ , implying that ARs ...
    Moreover, the confined flares originating from ARs larger than $1.0\times {10}^{23}$ Mx have several ...
    Our findings reveal new relations between the magnetic flux of ARs and the occurrence of CMEs in association ...
  • We find that the total unsigned magnetic flux ( ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ ) of active regions (ARs ...
    obtained between the critical decay index height and ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ , implying that ARs ...
    Moreover, the confined flares originating from ARs larger than $1.0\times {10}^{23}$ Mx have several ...
    Our findings reveal new relations between the magnetic flux of ARs and the occurrence of CMEs in association ...
  • We find that the total unsigned magnetic flux ( ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ ) of active regions (ARs ...
    obtained between the critical decay index height and ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{\mathrm{AR}}$ , implying that ARs ...
    Moreover, the confined flares originating from ARs larger than $1.0\times {10}^{23}$ Mx have several ...
    Our findings reveal new relations between the magnetic flux of ARs and the occurrence of CMEs in association ...
  • 【注】本次活动将在腾讯会议平台举办,并通过b站同步直播。具体活动时间将通过“虚拟天文台”公众号发布,敬请关注。
    微信后台留言 NADC官网“联系我们”栏目提交问题 发送邮件至:wwt-helpdesk@nao.cas.cn 大赛官网:https://nadc.china-vo.org ...
  • With the aim of investigating how the magnetic field in solar active regions (ARs) controls flare activity ...
    We also calculate total unsigned magnetic flux (Φ<SUB>AR</SUB>) of ARs producing the flare, which describes ...
    considering both the constraining effect of background magnetic fields and the magnetic nonpotentiality of ARs ...
    within the AR core over the restriction of the background field largely controls the capability of ARs ...
  • With the aim of investigating how the magnetic field in solar active regions (ARs) controls flare activity ...
    We also calculate total unsigned magnetic flux (Φ<SUB>AR</SUB>) of ARs producing the flare, which describes ...
    considering both the constraining effect of background magnetic fields and the magnetic nonpotentiality of ARs ...
    within the AR core over the restriction of the background field largely controls the capability of ARs ...
  • With the aim of investigating how the magnetic field in solar active regions (ARs) controls flare activity ...
    We also calculate total unsigned magnetic flux (Φ<SUB>AR</SUB>) of ARs producing the flare, which describes ...
    considering both the constraining effect of background magnetic fields and the magnetic nonpotentiality of ARs ...
    within the AR core over the restriction of the background field largely controls the capability of ARs ...
  • With the aim of investigating how the magnetic field in solar active regions (ARs) controls flare activity ...
    We also calculate total unsigned magnetic flux (Φ<SUB>AR</SUB>) of ARs producing the flare, which describes ...
    considering both the constraining effect of background magnetic fields and the magnetic nonpotentiality of ARs ...
    within the AR core over the restriction of the background field largely controls the capability of ARs ...
  • 为了能系统地收集、整理和分享我国上空的火流星及其陨石信息,国家天文科学数据中心领衔开发中国虚拟天文台火流星上报系统,旨在将其建立成一个公众参与平台和研究太阳系起源和演化的公共数据库。
    图2 上报系统可添加“观测者所属组织”内容 平台板块简介 平台共有3个主要板块:“网站必读”, “成果展示”和&ldquo ...
    图3 系统平台主页板块 如果您对我们的平台有任何意见和建议,可直接在网站留言,或将需求发送至:citizenscience@china-vo.org.
  • 在国家重点研发计划《宇宙学高性能异构模拟系统》(2017YFB0203301)支持下,完成并使用异构模拟系统软件PhotoNs,针对暗能量巡天项目,在国家超级计算昆山中心的国产平台上,使用1024核心和加速设备 ...
  • 机会难得,快来提交您的问题吧: 在微信后台留言 发送邮件至:wwt-helpdesk@nao.cas.cn ...
  • 投稿日期:2020年5月13日—2020年7月15日 投稿方式:1.微信后台留言 2.发送邮件至:tours2019@nao.cas.cn 别再犹豫,快快分享你们的故事吧 ...
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