• 通过这个专题,我们将循序渐进、由浅入深地介绍天文及相关学科数据库、可视化平台,以及如何将其巧妙地融入创作中,并探讨如何将数据清晰美观地在作品中呈现的技巧。
    ESASky(European Space Agency sky,ESAsky):进阶级、网站平台类、数据可视化、数据平台 图11 ESASky科学模式展示图 ESASky是由欧洲空间天文中心科学数据中心运营的一款全面探索全天的数据可视化网站 ...
    ESASky中文版网址:https://sky.esa.int/esasky/? ...
    Aladin Sky Atlas:进阶级、软件类、网站平台、数据可视化、数据平台 图12 Aladin Desktop展示图 Aladin天图系统(Aladin Sky Atlas)是由法国斯特拉斯堡天文数据中心开发的一款交互式天图系统 ...
    Aladin Sky Atlas提供了多个海量数据集合,支持多种投影和任何坐标系统,用户可以方便地查询和处理各种天文数据。
  • 本届学术年会的主题为“Open Sky,Open World(开放的星空,开放的世界)”,聚焦天文数据的开放共享和开放式的研究合作,共安排了38个学术报告和4场嘉宾论坛。
  • 该方法基于望远镜终端仪器获得的星像形状与望远镜性能之间的深刻复杂的对应关系和最新前沿机器学习的相关算法,可以充分利用望远镜获得的星像进行训练和测试,实现了望远镜光学成像性能的高精度实时监测,并在我国首个天文类国家重大科技基础设施——郭守敬望远镜LAMOST(Large Sky ...
  • 1、国内天文期刊如何错位发展; 2、如何提升我国天体物理英文期刊(RAA)的国际影响力; 3、如何发展国内天文技术期刊; 4、天文数据情报如何为研究所发展决策提供帮助; 5、图书情报与期刊出版人员的职业发展问题 ...
  • 不用担心是否是真实目标,不用了解各个星星的名字和位置,不用知道如何测量,不用操心如何写英文报告……不要畏惧,勇敢地去参与尝试。</p> <p>看图会很难吗? ...
  • Warren is proud to have been published as an author and photographer in Sky & Telescope, Astronomy ...
    , Sky at Night, Astronomy Now, and CNA (China) magazines, and many places on the World Wide Web&minus ...
  • | ...
  • of Starlink on observations, aiming to raise more awareness of protecting the dark and quiet night sky ...
  • of Starlink on observations, aiming to raise more awareness of protecting the dark and quiet night sky ...
  • 他们学习如何使用该领域的特定仪器收集数据,以及如何将原始观测数据处理成可使用的科学数据。然而,近年来的研究发现随着观测数据越来越多,这种传统的工作模式正在消失。
    ” ESASky中文版网址: https://sky.esa.int/? ...
  • PT2021_0079 Chunfeng Zhang Rotation Measure Evolution of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts in the FAST sky ...
    42 PT2021_0084 bjwang Observing the low-luminosity Fast Radio Bursts in the FAST sky ...
    W3(OH) 70 PT2021_0150 bjwang Observing Double-Neutron-Stars system in the FAST sky ...
  • The Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) is a wide-field two-band photometric survey of the northern Galactic ...
  • The 2MASS All-Sky Data Release contains highly uniform near infrared Catalog and Image data covering ...
    99.998% of the sky derived from observations made by the Survey's 1.3 m telescopes on Mt.
    The All-Sky Release data products include a Point Source Catalog (PSC) containing positions and photometry ...
    which are galaxies, and an Image Atlas containing over 4,121,439 J, H, and Ks FITS images covering the sky ...
  • The Beijing–Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) is a wide and deep imaging survey that covers a 5400 sq. deg area ...
  • The second data release (DR2) of the Beijing–Arizona Sky Survey (BASS), includes the observations through ...
  • The Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) is a wide-field two-band photometric survey of the northern Galactic ...
  • element, researchers used data from a huge Chinese stellar spectroscopic survey based on the Large Sky ...
  • The AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS) has reached a new milestone with its Data Release 10 (DR10 ...
    APASS is designed to provide calibrated photometry everywhere in the sky and for nearly all CCD images ...
    astrometry, APASS gives the ability to photometrically calibrate your data without having to resort to all-sky ...
    With DR10, the sky coverage is about 99%.
    There are still a few missing fields, primarily in the northern sky above declination 20 degrees.
  • The South Galactic Cap u-band Sky Survey (SCUSS) is a deep u-band imaging survey in the south Galactic ...
    the data in the region with an area of about 4000 deg2 that is mostly covered by the Sloan digital sky ...
  • Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) Data Release 3 – Rawdata, include the wide and deep g- and r-band rawdata ...
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