• 会议将重点介绍SKA国际进展、国内SKA已立项方向的进展情况及其它待立项方向的组织和准备情况,会议注册网址: https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DU1B4U0ZjemJOUUtG ...
  • 2022-01-27 02:00 10:00 Introduction of CASA Bjorn Emonts bilibil直播网址 ...
    its story has been one of constant evolution, including the early creation of a sophisticated WWT web app ...
  • 天文通:入门级、小程序APP类 图7 天文通LOGO 如果您正想找一个准确全面的天文信息来源作为您创作时的天文“百科全书”,或许天文通会是您的好帮手。
    天文通APP下载:https://laysky.com/download.html 天文通小程序二维码: 5.
    ESASky中文版网址:https://sky.esa.int/esasky/? ...
    图13 Aladin Lite展示图 Aladin Desktop软件下载网址:https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl? ...
    frame=downloading Aladin Lite在线网址:https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinLite/ Lite plants-explorer在线网址 ...
  • 参赛作品形式多样,涵盖了视频、课程、软件、漫画等多种天文科普形式,作品主题内容涉及天狼星的古今认知、搭载自主设计望远镜的微卫星在轨深空观测任务设计、基于月球和火星深空探测成果的数据可视化APP、探讨变星性质和分类的科学研究以及八大行星的卡通漫画等 ...
  • 因为保密等原因,不能提供更多获得数据的仪器等方面的描述,数据更新时间为不定时更新,此数据为地球自转B公报主要提供了有关地球方向的最新信息,包括世界时间,地球极坐标和天极偏移等数据。
  • 最近,国家天文科学数据中心和新昌星空文化传媒合作,在万维望远镜(WWT)北京社区资源库里上线了一组360度×180度的新昌全景图,从鼓山公园、新昌体育场、翡翠山南复线、孝行路,还有孝行路十九峰路口等多个视角全方位地展现了如诗如画的新昌小城 ...
  • 00 Stellarium: astronomical simulation for research and outreach Georg Zotti bilibil直播网址 ...
    16:00 Beijing Time) ZOOM Link: lecture ended Offline Meeting Room: NAOC A408 Recordings: YouTube, B站 ...
    16:00 Beijing Time) ZOOM Link: lecture ended Offline Meeting Room: NAOC A308 Recordings: YouTube, B站 ...
    ended Offline Meeting Room: NAOC A408 Lessions: http://ds9.si.edu/china-vo/ Recordings: YouTube, B站 ...
    16:00 Beijing Time) ZOOM Link: lecture ended Offline Meeting Room: NAOC A408 Recordings: YouTube, B站 ...
  • 同时,LAOMST DR9 v2.0元数据已发布至NADC数据目录 https://nadc.china-vo.org/res/r100851/,并提交至中国科技资源共享网,网址: https://www.escience.org.cn ...
    id=0a55a2b4ee0baa3b9bae234a432a5676%3A100856&cstrId=CSTR%3A11379.11.100851 图1 LAMOST先导巡天和低分辨率正式巡天前九年天区覆盖图 ...
  • 招请观测计划的望远镜是鹿林天文台的1米镜(LOT),相关LOT规格请查看这个网址内 http://www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw/ LOT的相关资料; 2.
    除光谱仪跟TRIPOL不再说明之外,U42的相机可以使用的滤镜主要有 U、V、B、V、R、I、O3、S2、Ha,彗星滤镜如CN、C2、NH2、Rc等 , 以及SDSS 的g' r' i& ...
  • 早型星主要是由光谱型为O、B型的恒星组成。它们质量大、光度高。大质量早型星可以促进宇宙再电离并使星系化学元素增丰。
    研究发现这批样本早型星内禀双星比例随温度降低而降低,随着金属丰度的降低而降低:大质量O/B型星的双星比例可以达到76%,而质量相对较小的B/A型星的双星比例约为48%;金属丰度类太阳([M/H]> ...
  • candidates), the Bronze G sample (291,690 candidates), the Bronze WK sample (68,526 candidates), and the Low b ...
    The Low b sample applies to sources with low Galactic latitude, |b| < 10° while the others are for sources ...
    with |b| > 10°.
    GK sample, 15.4 % for the Bronze G sample, 31.7 % for the Bronze WK sample, and 16.6 % for the Low b ...
  • candidates), the Bronze G sample (291,690 candidates), the Bronze WK sample (68,526 candidates), and the Low b ...
    The Low b sample applies to sources with low Galactic latitude, |b| < 10° while the others are for sources ...
    with |b| > 10°.
    GK sample, 15.4 % for the Bronze G sample, 31.7 % for the Bronze WK sample, and 16.6 % for the Low b ...
  • Telescope Access Program Call for Proposals Semester 2021B Proposal Deadline: 25 March 202117:00 ...
    China Standard Time CFHT, P200: 1 August 2021 to 31 January 2022 TAP Overview for 2021B The ...
    We estimate that the following amount of time will be available for new programs in the 2021B semester ...
    Notes for 2021B Given the COVID-19 pandemic, approved proposals are not guaranteed full execution.
    Proposals awarded 2020B/2021A time but not scheduled are encouraged to apply again.
  • In this paper, we present a sample of 204 spectroscopically confirmed GPQs at |b|< 20°, 191 of which ...
  • In this paper, we present a sample of 204 spectroscopically confirmed GPQs at |b|< 20°, 191 of which ...
  • In this paper, we present a sample of 204 spectroscopically confirmed GPQs at |b| < 20°, 191 of which ...
  • ...
  • In this paper, we present a sample of 204 spectroscopically confirmed GPQs at |b|< 20°, 191 of which ...
  • In this paper, we present a sample of 204 spectroscopically confirmed GPQs at |b| < 20°, 191 of which ...
  • 这次请通过网站在线申请,网址http://astrocloud.china-vo.org/ 在线申请系统由中国科学院“十二五”科研信息化专项天文学科技领域云项目组完成,感谢项目组的辛勤工作!  ...
    400K读出速度下RON约6.3个电子,200K及100K下小于5个电子;2)PI VersArray 1300B相机,安装于卡焦侧口,只可进行成像/测光观测,CCD大小为1340x1300,象元20μ ...
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