gc |
| |
1 | Galactic components |
logage |
| |
8.21 | age in yr in logarithm scale (log10). |
m_h |
| |
0.41920832 | initial metal abundance, [M/H]. |
m_ini |
| |
1.8924108743667603 | initial stellar mass in unit of Msun. |
mu0 |
| |
14.9 | true distance modulus in unit of magnitude. |
av |
| |
0.08292012 | extinction in the V band, the Cardelli et al. (1989) extinction curve is used with R_V=3.1. |
mratio |
| |
0.0 | mass ratio of binaries, 0.0 for single stars, value between 0.0 and 1.0 for primaries. |
mass |
| |
1.8911667 | the current stellar mass in unit of Msun. |
logl |
| |
1.0533116 | logarithmic luminosity in solar unit, log10(L/Lsun). |
logte |
| |
3.903017 | logarithmic effective temperature, log10(Teff). |
logg |
| |
4.2254863 | log10 of surface gravity in cm/s^2. |
label |
| |
1 | evolutionary stage. 0 for pre-main sequence (PMS), 1 for main sequence (MS), 2 for subgiant branch (SGB), 3 for red giant branch (RGB), 4 for the initial red part of core helium burning (CHeB) phase, 5 for the blueward loop of CHeB phase, 6 for the redward loop of CHeB phase, 7 for early-AGB, 8 for TP-AGB, 9 for post-AGB and WD part. |
mcoretp |
| |
0.0 | core mass in Msun (valid only for TP-AGB and successive evolutionary stages). |
c_o |
| |
0.5374526 | C/O, surface carbon and oxygen abundance ratio (in number). |
period0 |
| |
0.0 | expected LPV fundamental mode period in days. |
period1 |
| |
0.0 | expected LPV first overtone period in days. |
pmode |
| |
-1 | expected dominant period (between the two above). |
mloss |
| |
-9.998465e-31 | mass loss rate in Msun/yr. |
tau1m |
| |
0.0 | optical depth of circumstellar dust at 1 micron. |
x |
| |
0.65461785 | surface mass fractions of Hydrogen. |
y |
| |
0.30988786 | surface mass fractions of Helium. |
xc |
| |
0.006302438 | surface mass fractions of Carbon. |
xn |
| |
0.0017213632 | surface mass fractions of Nitrogen. |
xo |
| |
0.015635444 | surface mass fractions of Oxygen. |
cexcess |
| |
-1.0 | carbon excess, defined as log10(n_C - n_O) - log10(n_H) + 12 , with n_C, n_O, and n_H being the surface number fractions of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, respectively. |
z |
| |
0.035494298 | surface mass fraction of metals. |
mbolmag |
| |
17.03672 | bolometric magnitude. |
nuvmag |
| |
18.999634 | apparent magnitudes in CSST NUV band, in AB magnitude system. |
umag |
| |
18.032207 | apparent magnitudes in CSST u band, in AB magnitude system. |
gmag |
| |
17.058033 | apparent magnitudes in CSST g band, in AB magnitude system. |
rmag |
| |
17.066193 | apparent magnitudes in CSST r band, in AB magnitude system. |
imag |
| |
17.195873 | apparent magnitudes in CSST i band, in AB magnitude system. |
zmag |
| |
17.309143 | apparent magnitudes in CSST z band, in AB magnitude system. |
ymag |
| |
17.317898 | apparent magnitudes in CSST y band, in AB magnitude system. |
usmag |
| |
18.20989 | apparent magnitudes in SDSS u band, in AB magnitude system. |
gsmag |
| |
17.065865 | apparent magnitudes in SDSS u band, in AB magnitude system. |
rsmag |
| |
17.069147 | apparent magnitudes in SDSS u band, in AB magnitude system. |
ismag |
| |
17.182749 | apparent magnitudes in SDSS u band, in AB magnitude system. |
zsmag |
| |
17.306353 | apparent magnitudes in SDSS u band, in AB magnitude system. |
gp1mag |
| |
17.048325 | apparent magnitudes in Pan-STARRS1 gp1 band, in AB magnitude system. |
rp1mag |
| |
17.069647 | apparent magnitudes in Pan-STARRS1 rp1 band, in AB magnitude system. |
ip1mag |
| |
17.187313 | apparent magnitudes in Pan-STARRS1 ip1 band, in AB magnitude system. |
zp1mag |
| |
17.29745 | apparent magnitudes in Pan-STARRS1 zp1 band, in AB magnitude system. |
yp1mag |
| |
17.32188 | apparent magnitudes in Pan-STARRS1 yp1 band, in AB magnitude system. |
wp1mag |
| |
17.097162 | apparent magnitudes in Pan-STARRS1 wp1 band, in AB magnitude system. |
velu |
| |
-19.684158 | three-dimensional heliocentric velocities (U) in km/s. |
velv |
| |
-62.67772 | three-dimensional heliocentric velocities (V) in km/s. |
velw |
| |
8.526881 | three-dimensional heliocentric velocities (W) in km/s. |
vrad |
| |
19.885666 | radial velocity in km/s. |
pmracosd |
| |
0.6931999 | proper motion mu_alpha * cos(delta), in mas/yr. |
pmdec |
| |
-1.2745897 | proper motion mu_delta, in mas/yr. |
gall |
| |
204.88789424300194 | Galactic longitude in degree. |
galb |
| |
-0.2132071237206361 | Galactic latitude in degree. |
ra |
| |
98.98153992871524 | right ascension in degree. |
dec |
| |
7.056145172383732 | declination in degree. |
id |
| |
1 | star id |