NAOC and Caltech Bilateral Workshop on Transient Science and Follow-up Observations (Feb 28 - March 1 2023)

Date and Time:  Feb. 28, 2023. 8:00-11:00am, BJT/ Feb. 27, 2023. 4:00-7:00pm PT  

               Mar. 01, 2023. 8:00-11:00am, BJT/ Feb. 28, 2023. 4:00-7:00pm PT


ZOOM link


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Motivation & Objective

Time Domain Astronomy (TDA) is undergoing a rapid growth in recent years, with several ongoing and upcoming large scale surveys and space missions. Timely follow-up observations are a critical part of the overall science endeavor. This mini-workshop is the first of a series, designed with the following goals:

  1. To bring updates on forthcoming Chinese sky survey missions and spectroscopy observing capabilities of Caltech facilities
  2. To define the requirements for time-sensitive observations for potential science programs
  3. To explore mechanisms to implement such observations to maximize science returns
  4. To discuss potential mutual transient science interests from both communities


Advisory Committee:

Gongbo Zhao (NAOC), Suijian Xue (NAOC), Luis Ho (PKU-KIAA); Gu QiuSheng (U. of Nanjing); Jonas Zmuidzinas, (Caltech) Shri Kulkarni (Caltech), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech)


Science Organizing Committee:

Jifeng Liu (NAOC), Chichuan Jin (NAOC), Jianyan Wei(NAOC), Jianfeng Wu (XMU), Yanmei Chen (U. of Nanjing), Lin Yan (Caltech), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech)

Program & Agenda:

Day 1

Session 1: Missions & projects;  Chair: Lin Yan (Caltech)

  • AM 8:00-8:10/PM 4:00-4:10 Opening remarks 10 (Jonas Zmuidzinas, Jifeng Liu, Suijian Xue)
  • AM 8:10-8:40/PM 4:10-4:40 The science potential and follow-up requirement of the Einstein Probe mission, Weimin Yuan (NAOC)
  • AM 8:40-9:10/PM 4:40-5:10 The science potential and follow-up requirement of SVOM mission, Liping Xin (NAOC)
  • AM 9:10-9:50/PM 5:10-5:50 Zwicky Transient Facility and some science results: Yuhan Yao (Caltech) & Yujing Qin (Caltech)
  • AM 9:50-10:10/PM 5:50-6:10 Break
  • AM 10:10-10:30/PM 6:10-6:30 NGPS update, Christoffer Fremling (Caltech)
  • AM 10:30-11:00/PM 6:30-7:00 Discussion: Science opportunities and P200 capabilities Panel: Zmuidzinas, Kasliwal, Boden, Xue, Yuan, Wei + all participants
  • Adjourn

Day 2, Chair: Suijian Xue (NAOC)

Session 2: Time Domain & Transient Science

  • AM 8:00-8:20/PM 4:00-4:20 Rapid Optical Spectroscopic Follow-up Observations of FRB from FAST, Chao-wei Tsai (NAOC)
  • AM 8:20-8:40/PM 4:20-4:40 Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto) and Potential Follow-up Observations, Xiang-kun Liu (SWIFAR)
  • AM 8:40-9:00/PM 4:40-5:00 The Opportunities and Challenges of Studying Tidal Disruption Events with 2.5-meter Wide Field Survey Telescope, Ning Jiang (USTC)
  • AM 9:00-9:20/PM 5:00-5:20 Time-domain Projects at Tsinghua University and the Science Highlights, Xiaofeng Wang (THU)
  • AM 9:20-9:40/PM 5:20-5:40 ToO observations from 2.4-meter telescope at Yunnan ObservatoryJirong Mao (YNAO)
  • AM 9:40-9:50/PM 5:40-5:50pm Break

Session 3: Implementing Time Sensitive Observations

  • AM 9:50-10:05/PM 5:50-6:05 How Caltech/ZTF coordinates their TDA follow-up programs Christoffer Fremling (Caltech)
  • AM 10:05-10:30/PM6:05-6:30 Caltech Target Opportunity Programs; Andy Boden (Caltech)
  • AM 10:30-11:00/PM6:30-7:00 Discussions: moderators: Kasliwal (Caltech) and Jin (NAOC)