2023-01-09 16:32
2023-01-09 16:32

New Year Lectures from Astronomical Software Masters


Lectures Overview

Data and Time (UTC) Beijing Time Title Speaker
2023-01-11 08:00 16:00 ESASky - A Portal to the World’s Astronomy Data Henrik Norman
2023-01-17 01:00 09:00 Inside PixInsight - Astronomy’s Most Popular Image Processing Program

Warren A. Keller



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Lecture one

Henrik Norman is a specialist in astronomy applications and the founder of Winter Way. He is the senior software engineer for ESASky and is involved in several other projects like the AAS WorldWide Telescope, the Euro VO Registry, and NASA ADS. The main focus of his work revolves around creating astronomy applications that combine really powerful features with user-friendly interfaces.

  • Introduction:

ESASky enables easy access and exploration of the world's astronomy data. Explore the great features of ESASky and get a sneak peek of the upcoming features with the senior software engineer, Henrik Norman.

The tool embodies the idea of the Virtual Observatory, with high interoperability with other astronomical tools and datasets. This makes it easy to get your data into ESASky and use ESASky to access any of the world’s astronomical datasets. All this with no requirement of in-depth knowledge of specific telescopes.


Lecture Two

Internationally known astrophotographer, author, and teacher, Warren Keller has the ability to reduce the difficult concepts of astro-imaging to the essentials and to effectively teach them to others. In 2016-2018, he wrote the definitive book on PixInsight, Inside PixInsight for Springer Nature’s Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy series. Warren is proud to have been published as an author and photographer in Sky & Telescope, Astronomy, Sky at Night, Astronomy Now, and CNA (China) magazines, and many places on the World Wide Web− most prestigiously, NASA’s APOD. In years past, he was Atik’s North American representative, QSI’s customer service rep, and a consultant to Celestron.

Warren has presented at the Advanced, the North East, the Midwest, RAW, and CAPS astro-imaging conferences, and was host and coordinator of SWAP in 2013 and 2014 in Tucson. In 2015, he joined the board of directors of the Advanced Imaging Conference, where he is VP of Exhibitor Relations. He continues to lead virtual workshops, and provide one-on-one training in the art and science of astrophotography. His personal artwork can be viewed at www.billionsandbillions.com, and his educational offerings can be found at the following links: www.mastersofpixinsight.com and www.easypixinsight.com.


Yang Hanxi
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