MagParDB README FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This database includes a total of 323 flaring ARs (106 M/X-class flaring ARs and 217 C-class flaring ARs ) appearing from June 2010 until December 2022 within 45 degrees from the solar disk center observed by the SDO/HMI. The criteria we use to assemble our catalog are that (1) the ARs produced at least one C-class flare within 45 degrees from the central meridian. (2) During 30 min before the largest flare onset that the ARs produced within 45 degrees, there exist the areas of HED (photospheric free energy density in the AR. about 63% C-flaring ARs (378 in 595) and 23% M/X-flaring ARs (32 in 138) are excluded for the absence of area of high photosphericfree magnetic energy density. The second criterion was used because we calculate the magnetic parameters within the HED region which is thought to be closely related with flaring regions. Finally, a total of 217 C- and 106 M/X-flaring ARs are selected. For each selected AR, we focus on its maximum GOES magnitude of flares they generated within 45 degrees from the central meridian. We use the vector magnetograms from SHARP before the flare onset and calculate 11 photospheric magnetic field parameters. For each AR, the length of the PILs (LPIL) with a steep horizontal magnetic gradient is calculated over the entire AR. Different from LPIL, 10 other magnetic parameters are calculated only within the HED region. Each entry in MagParDB contains the following information: TSTART - flare start time [UT] TPEAK - flare time of peak X-ray flux [UT] TFINAL - flare end time [UT] IXPEAK - peak 1-8 ? X-ray flux [W/M^2] LON - flare heliographic longitude [DEG] LAT - lare heliographic latitude [DEG] ARNUM - active region number Confined/Eruptive - C(confined; not associated with a CME)/E£šeruptive; associated with a CME£© E_TOTAL - total photospheric free magnetic energy density [erg cm^-1] AREA_HED - area of HED (high free energy density) [CM^2] Flux_HED - total unsigned magnetic flux within HED region [Mx] SHEAR - mean shear angle within HED region [DEG] UJ_MEAN- mean unsigned vertical current density within HED region [mA m^-2] J_TOTAL- total unsigned vertical current within HED region [A] UHC_MEAN- mean unsigned current helicity within HED region [G^2 m^-1] HC_TOTAL- total unsigned current helicity within HED region [G^2 m^-1] GBH_MEAN- mean horizontal gradient of horizontal field within HED region [G m^-1] ALP_MEAN- mean characteristic twist parameter within HED region [Mm^-1] LPIL- length of the polarity inversion lines with a steep horizontal magnetic gradient [Mm] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions please email Ting Li: 21 Nov 2023 Beijing National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences