Chinese Sunspot Drawings Data Historically, there mainly exist six observing stations for sunspot drawings in China: the Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory (PMO), Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YNAO), Qingdao Observatory Station (QDOS), Sheshan Observatory Station (SSOS), Beijing Planetarium (BJP), and Nanjing University (NJU). The aim is to provide the daily sunspot number, pore number, umbra number, penumbra number, hole number, area, umbra area, penumbra area of sunspot drawings obtained from the Chinese six observing stations by the DMT_BGSeg method. We also provide the information of each pore, spot, umbra and hole. The data sets contain two kinds of txt file. *_d.txt : daily information Column Description 1 Filename(______) 2 Daily sunspot number(umbra+pore) 3 Daily pore number 4 Daily umbra number 5 Daily penumbra number 6 Daily hole number 7 Total sunspot areas without solar projection effect (umbra + penumbra + pore) in millionths of the solar hemisphere 8 Total sunspot areas after correcting solar projection effect (umbra + penumbra + pore) in millionths of the solar hemisphere 9 Umbra areas without solar projection effect in millionths of the solar hemisphere 10 Umbra areas after correcting solar projection effect in millionths of the solar hemisphere 11 Penumbra areas without solar projection effect in millionths of the solar hemisphere 12 Penumbra areas after correcting solar projection effect in millionths of the solar hemisphere *.txt: information of each pore, spot, umbra and hole Column Description 1 Filename(______) 2 Classification of the object (pore, spot, umbra or hole) 3 X-axis coordinates of the object in units of pixel 4 Y-axis coordinates of the object in units of pixel 5 The object area without solar projection effect in millionths of the solar hemisphere 6 The object area after correcting solar projection effect in millionths of the solar hemisphere 7 The radius of sun disc in units of pixel Note: In order to keep the same with the drawings, the position of each target takes the center of the circle as the 0, 0 coordinate.